Dr. Jiro Abe
Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Jiro Abe graduated from Tokyo Dental College in1981. He developed the suction mechanism of mandibular complete dentures in 1999 and published "Successful Mandibular Complete Denture Suction for everyone". He has been expanding it throughout the world since 2004. He was the director of the Academy of Clinical Dentistry from 1999 to 2005 and its councilor from 2005 to 2009. He founded the Japan Denture Association and had been its chairman from 2006 to 2015 and has stayed active as a former president of the Japan Plate Denture Association since 2016. He is the instructor of Ivoclar Vivadent BPS International Clinical and GC & MORITA Complete Denture seminars, the lecturer of the Japan Dental Association and has been in various activities as a professor at the Tohoku University Graduate school of Dentistry since 2012 and at Kanagawa Dental College since 2013. Dr. Abe has also held many distinguished positions throughout the years and published the Quintessence book "4 Steps from Start to Finish Mandibular Suction Denture and BPS: a Perfect Manual-for All Types of Fully Edentulous Cases" and it was translated into English, Chinese and Korean in 2012. He plays an active as an international committee member of the American Prosthodontic Society in 2015.
The prosthetic management of the edentulous patient has long been a major challenge for dentistry. The main problem is the mandibular complete denture that lifts up easily with the mouth opening. Most clinicians know that patients report significantly more problems adapting to their mandibular denture. When using our current techniques, most lower dentures exhibit a lack of retention, this can contribute to patient dissatisfaction and acceptance of their new dentures. Normally, in clinical experience, conventional dentures don't create mandibular suction effectiveness.
In 1999, in order to overcome this problem, I established a successful concept and mechanism to fabricate the mandibular suction denture and have been expanding this technique around the world. My presentation will take clinician on a new journey to discover and implement my suction effective mandibular denture techniques.
Daniel Abraham
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 15:05 - 15:30
Dr. Michèle Aerden
Brüssel, Belgium
Dr. Aerden graduated at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She practices in her own private dental clinic and ist active in dental associations worldwide. National and international lectures. Publications in national and international journals. From 2005-2007 Dr. Aerden served as the first female president of FDI (World Dental Federation) which represents of 200 National and International associations from nearly 140 countries representing over 1 million dentists. She was also a member of the FDI Council (second women in 97 years) from 1997-2007. She is the founder and of "Women Dentist Worldwide" and was their president from 2001-2005. In the European Regional Organisation of the FDI (ERO) which represents 40 European countries she is the founder of "Women in Dentistry" and was their leader from 1996-2005. In the Council of European Dentists, which represents associations of the European Union countries she was a member of the Belgian delegation (1992-2016).
Being the first female president of FDI ,World Dental Federation, after 105 years history, Michèle Aerden explains her fascinating career trajectory to the highest international office in the dental profession.
The first part of her message is that at any time, if you want it, you can change the direction of your live. From Manager of fashion business to first female President of Dental Associations. To achieve this, it is not necessary to sacrifice your private live but important to balance.
The next issue of Michèle Aerden address is to show the need of more women on decisional levels within professional organisations. It is best to act as a section within the dental association; otherwise, you will never be part of the decision-making. Women do have the necessary skills to reach those positions. She explains the main reasons why she initiated Women in Dentistry and developed from European level to global level, from FDI Working group to FDI Section. Role models and network are crucial.
And finally Michèle Aerden comments her statement: "Only by taking leadership positions can you achieve sustainable changes"
One of Michèle's priorities as FDI President was the integration of oral health part of general health. During each of her visits in nearly 60 countries, she consistently met the President of the country or the Prime Minister, and the Ministers of Health and sometimes Minister of Education in order to advocate for a strategy of Oral Health integrated into the strategy of General Health through prevention, planning and budget. "No general health without oral health!!" is her leitmotiv.
She obtained tangible results during those visits and always received large media coverage.
Michèle Aerden gives examples of her achievements by using her leadership position as a tool for sustainable changes worldwide.
Prof. Dr. Wael Att
Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Att is a professor and chairman of the Department of Prosthodontics at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He is also a professor of prosthodontics at the School of Dentistry, University of Freiburg, Germany. Dr. Att is board-certified prosthodontist from the German Society of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (DGPro) since 2004 and an active member of multiple professional organizations, including the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), International Academy of Digital Dental Medicine, International College of Prosthodontists, Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics and others. He serves as President of the International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine (IADDM), Past-President of the Prosthodontics Group of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) as well as President of the Arabian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (ARAED). Dr. Att obtained his DDS degree in 1997 in Syria and received the Dr Med Dent (2003) and PhD (2010) degrees as well as the title of extraordinary professor (2013) from the University of Freiburg. He was a visiting assistant professor from 2005 to 2007 at the Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA School of Dentistry and the Director of Postgraduate Program in Prosthodontics in Freiburg from 2007 to 2017. A widely published and internationally respected clinician and lecturer, Dr. Att's main focus within teaching, research and clinical practice is esthetic and implant dentistry as well as the implementation of cutting-edge digital technologies in both reconstructive and multidisciplinary dentistry.
The main goal of comprehensive dental rehabilitation is to achieve a pleasing harmony between the face, smile and teeth. Here, a number of tools are being implemented by the clinicians to evaluate the relationship between the different components of the face and to provide guidance for treatment planning as well as for the fabrication of the final restorations. Today, the progressive shift towards implementing digitally-driven 3D engineering tools in reconstructive dentistry is obvious. Compared to the conventional techniques, the ultimate goal of the digital technologies is to improve the quality and capabilities in examination, diagnosis and treatment of the dental patient. It is still questionable, however, whether such digital tools facilitate improved accuracy in data acquisition and assessment, superior efficacy in treatment planning, and more controlled and faster manufacturing process. This presentation will provide an insight about the emerging technologies in contemporary prosthodontics and discuss their possibilities and advantages compared to the conventional approach.
Stavros Avgerinos
Born: 1.5.1970 in Alexandroupolis/Greece
School: 1976-1988 in Germany, general higher education entrance
qualification at the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Göppingen/Germany
1988-1989 Biology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
1989-1990 Biology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
1990-1995 Dentistry at the Julius-Maximillian University of Würzburg/Germany
1995-1997 Assistant Dentist in Würzburg
1998-now Dental Practice in Oberhausen /Germany
2009-now Main emphasis in sports dentistry, member of the ASD, Team-dentist and President of two Hockey-Teams (EVD e.V. Füchse Duisburg (3rd league professional ice hockey, Miners Oberhausen 1. league skater inline-hockey ) and responsible dentist of the NRW/German American Football Association
2011 Founder of the German Society of Sports Dentistry
Member in several dental, medical and law societies
Der One4All Sportmundschutz Workshop vermittelt kurz und prägnant wissenschaftliche Hintergründe, Erfahrungswerte und technisches Know-How für die Herstellung eines effektiven Sportmundschutzes.
Das One4All Konzept reduziert Arbeitsschritte und Fehlerquellen auf ein Minimum und ermöglicht es den Teilnehmern schon am nächsten Tag in der eigenen Praxis einen modernen Sportmundschutz für alle Anforderungen anzubieten. Unabhängig von der Sportart und für jedes Leistungsniveau.
Prof. Dr. Avijit Banerjee
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Avijit is Professor of Cariology & Operative Dentistry / Hon. Consultant & Clinical Lead, Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry & Oral, Craniofacial Sciences, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's Hospital (Guy's & St. Thomas' Hospitals Trust), London.
He is Head of Conservative & MI Dentistry, Director of Education (UG) & Programme Director of the innovative KCL distance-learning Masters in Advanced Minimum Intervention Dentistry. He leads the Cariology & MI Operative Dentistry research programme (>120 publications, >£2 million research income, 5 post-doctorate, 14 doctorate and 17 masters students to date). Avijit is primary author of Pickard's Guide to Minimally Invasive Operative Dentistry (9th & 10th editions; OUP, 2015), a definitive and globally respected text in its field, amongst other book editorships (Minimally Invasive Esthetics, Elsevier (2015). He is editor of Quintessence's Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:45 - 15:30
Managing the deep carious lesion "MI" way!
Dr. Vesna Barac Furtinger
Zagreb, Croatia
School of Dentistry, University Zagreb, Croatia
Specialization in preventive dentistry - Zagreb, Croatia
Scientific degree in orofacial genetics -Zagreb, Croatia
Work status
1980-1993 Community health center Zagreb
1984 - 1987 Specialization in preventive dentistry
1993 - Private dentistry
Scientific work
Twenty-four articles in scientific journals (first author)
Eleven international conference presentations (first author)
1986 MSc degree
1988 -1996 Croatian Dental Society- General Secretary
2000-2006 Croatian Chamber NLO/FDI
2005-2006 Member of the Board Section WDW/FDI
1997-2007 Croatian Dental Society - Vicepresident
1995.2006 Member of the Executive Board Croatian Dental Chamber
1995-2006 Editor in Chief Croatian Dental Journal
2002-2003 Editor in Chief Quintessence Croatia
2003-2005 President of the Comitee for Preventive Dentistry/ Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia
2005-2012 Chairwoman WG Woman in Dentistry, ERO/FDI
2006-2013 Women Dentists Worldwide Section, - Vicepresident
Current positions
Croatian Dental Society CMA - General Secretary
Croatian Society for pediatric and preventive dentistry - Vice president
Women in dentistry Croatia, president
Women Dentists Worldwide FDI - president
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:00 - 09:30
Strength in togetherness
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:00 - 18:00
Podium discussion
Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf
Eislingen, Germany
1970-1976: Studium der Zahnheilkunde in Tübingen. 1978: Promotion in Tübingen. Seit 1979: in eigener Praxis niedergelassen / seit 1997 Gemeinschaftspraxis Präventive Zahnheilkunde, Integration der Individualprophylaxe in die tägliche Praxis, Untersuchungen über die fachliche und wirtschaftliche Effektivität der Prävention in der Allgemeinpraxis. Zahlreiche Publikationen und Veröffentlichungen. 1980-2000: Gutachter Prothetik. Seit 1997: Vorstand der Gesellschaft für Präventive Zahnheilkunde (GPZ) e.V. 1999: Gewinner des Zahnärzte-Unternehmerpreises. 2002: Autor: "Der einfache und effektive Weg zur Prophylaxepraxis", Der Zahnarztverlag. 2002-2006: Lehrauftrag an der Uni Heidelberg für Angewandte Prophylaxe. 2004: Gewinner des Innovationspreises der Kreissparkasse Göppingen für die Prophylaxe-Software "Dentodine". 2005: Autor: "Prophylaxe - Mundgesundheit durch häusliche und professionelle Individualprophylaxe", Spitta Verlag. 2005-2009: Chefredakteur: "Prophylaxe-Magazin "Plaque N Care", Flohr Verlag. 2007-2010: Senioren-Beauftragter der Zahnärzteschaft Göppingen. 2007-2011: Senior Member of ORCA - European Organisation for Caries Research. Seit 2011: Präsident der Association For Dental Infection Control (ADIC). Seit 2014: Chefredakteur: "Prophylaxe-Magazin "Plaque N Care", Spitta-Verlag. Juli 2014: Deutscher Preis für Dentalhygiene Herausragende Tätigkeiten: Untersuchungen und rund 350 Veröffentlichungen über die fachliche und wirtschaftliche Effektivität der Prävention in der Allgemeinpraxis; Ca. 1000 Vorträge zum Themenbereich Individualprophylaxe in der Allgemeinpraxis.
Der Fokus der parodontalen Behandlung lag in vorausgegangenen Jahrhunderten in der Entfernung der vermeintlichen Ursache der parodontalen Erkrankungen, dem supra- und supragingivalen Zahnstein und "infiziertem" Wurzelzement (sogenanntes Ursachen-Wirkprinzip). Die Erkenntnisse über die Bedeutung der Biofilme und der körpereigenen Reaktionen auf den Biofilmstoffwechsel haben den therapeutischen Fokus weg vom klassischen Scaling und Root-Planing hin zum modernen Root-Surface-Debridement geebnet.
Für das klassische Scaling und Root-Planing zur Entfernung von mineralisierten Ablagerungen und "infiziertem" Zement standen früher nur Handinstrumente zur Verfügung. Die regelmäßige, langjährige Verwendung dieser Hilfsmittel ist mit Zahnhartsubstanz-Verlusten und Weichgewebsverletzungen, mit Schmerzen und Missempfindungen während und nach der Behandlung vergesellschaftet.
Für das moderne Root Surface Debridement finden zur selektiven Entfernung von harten mineralisierten Ablagerungen vor allem Ultraschallsysteme Anwendung. Für das eigentliche Biofilmmanagement setzen sich neben den bewährten Ultraschallgeräten immer mehr Air-Flow-Systeme (Pulver-Wasser-Strahlsysteme) mit gering abrasiven Pulvern durch. Bei beiden Techniken steht die Substanzschonung im Vordergrund.
Im Seminar werden die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen des modernen
minimalinvasiven Biofilmmanagement vorgestellt. Im praktischen Teil (Hands-on-
Kurs) haben alle Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, das theoretische Wissen praktisch am
Modell zu üben.
Der Fokus der parodontalen Behandlung lag in vorausgegangenen Jahrhunderten in der Entfernung der vermeintlichen Ursache der parodontalen Erkrankungen, dem supra- und supragingivalen Zahnstein und "infiziertem" Wurzelzement (sogenanntes Ursachen-Wirkprinzip). Die Erkenntnisse über die Bedeutung der Biofilme und der körpereigenen Reaktionen auf den Biofilmstoffwechsel haben den therapeutischen Fokus weg vom klassischen Scaling und Root-Planing hin zum modernen Root-Surface-Debridement geebnet.
Für das klassische Scaling und Root-Planing zur Entfernung von mineralisierten Ablagerungen und "infiziertem" Zement standen früher nur Handinstrumente zur Verfügung. Die regelmäßige, langjährige Verwendung dieser Hilfsmittel ist mit Zahnhartsubstanz-Verlusten und Weichgewebsverletzungen, mit Schmerzen und Missempfindungen während und nach der Behandlung vergesellschaftet.
Für das moderne Root Surface Debridement finden zur selektiven Entfernung von harten mineralisierten Ablagerungen vor allem Ultraschallsysteme Anwendung. Für das eigentliche Biofilmmanagement setzen sich neben den bewährten Ultraschallgeräten immer mehr Air-Flow-Systeme (Pulver-Wasser-Strahlsysteme) mit gering abrasiven Pulvern durch. Bei beiden Techniken steht die Substanzschonung im Vordergrund.
Im Seminar werden die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen des modernen
minimalinvasiven Biofilmmanagement vorgestellt. Im praktischen Teil (Hands-on-
Kurs) haben alle Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, das theoretische Wissen praktisch am
Modell zu üben.
Prof. Lars Bergmans PhD
Brasschaat, Belgium
Prof. Lars Bergmans received his Degree in Dentistry (1998) and Master-after-Master in Endodontics (2003) from the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Belgium. He obtained his PhD based on a thesis entitled: "X-ray microfocus computer tomography for non-destructive evaluation of the shaping ability of nickel-titanium rotary instruments and subsequent obturation" (promoter Prof. Paul Lambrechts, K.U.Leuven, 2006) and completed a postdoctoral research project on minimally invasive endodontology at the same university. Lars Bergmans worked in private practices in Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2011 he started a group practice in Brasschaat, Belgium. Besides his work in private practice Lars Bergmans is visiting professor at the K.U.Leuven and copromotor of a doctoral thesis on cervical root resorption (Drs. Athina Mavridou). He is (co-) author of several peer-reviewed publications together with the Leuven BIOMAT Research Cluster. Lars Bergmans gives lectures and hands-on courses both nationally and internationally.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:45 - 10:30
Resorption: an important endodontic challenge
Dr. Ashwini Bhalerao
Mumbai, India
PROFESSIONAL PHILOSOPHY My profession is my passion. I look forward to achieving and mastering new methods and ways in which I can improve my work and the treatment outcome for my patients. Teaching oral surgery and spreading awareness gives me satisfaction and a chance to give back. Live to learn, Learn to teach, and Treat to heal. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS - Master in Dental Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial (Mumbai University Topper) - Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, India. 1993. - Bachelor in Dental Surgery (University Gold Medallist in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) - Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, India. 1991. - Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems - Symbiosis Institute of Health Care, Pune, India. 2002. AWARDS & HONOURS - National award for Oral Surgeon of the Year 2013 - FAMDENT Excellence in Dentistry Awards. - TEDx speaker at Leading Ladies in Dentistry Conclave, Baden-Baden Germany - 2017. - Authored a chapter in 'Divas in Dentistry: The Book' - a global publication in which 50 leading women dentists from across the world have been invited to pen their experiences. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Since 1995, I have owned a specialist day-care centre exclusively devoted to treating maxillofacial cases. The clinic has 3 operatory, 2 dental chairs, and 1 operating theatre. Work done encompasses trauma cases, oral pathology and tumours, orthognathic surgery, and surgical exodontia.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 11:10 - 11:30
Give the lady a knife - why I chose to follow my path in dental surgery
Jaroslav Bláha
Hamburg, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:20 - 14:45
Use cases for AI-based image diagnostics in dentistry
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bürklein
Münster, Germany
2003: Degree in Dentistry
2003-2006:Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Münster, Germany
2005: DDS.
2006-2010: Graduation as a specialist in oral surgery in the Dental Clinic of Bochum, Germany (Head: Prof. Dr. H.-P. Jöhren)
2009: Certified specialist in Endodontology of the DGET (German Society of Endodontology and dental Traumatology)
2010: Specialist in oral surgery
Since 2011: Deputy head of the Central Interdisciplinary Outpatient Clinic in the School of Dentistry; University of Münster, Germany
Friday, 11.01.2019, 16:15 - 17:00
From crack to fracture
Prof. Dr. Daniel Buser
Bern, Switzerland
Friday, 11.01.2019, 14:00 - 14:45
Implant placement with simultanous contour augmentation using GBR: biologic rationale, surgical technique, and long-term results
Prof. Dr. Josette Camilleri
Birmingham, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1996-2011: Lecturer in Endodontology and Materials Science, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Malta
1. Jan. 1999 - 30. Mai 2007: Dental Surgeon, St Luke's Hospital, Malta
2002-2011: Lecturer Concrete Technology, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Malta. Deputy Director, Civil Engineering Laboratories, Malta
Since 2011: Associate professor, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Malta.
Josette has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and her work is cited over 5000 times. She has been awarded the Louis Grossman Prize by the French Endodontic Society in 2018 and is the only female recipient of this prestigious award.
Management of tooth tissue loss may involve procedures involving the pulp. This necessitates the use of materials that will not adversely affect the pulp. A number of materials are available on the market. The materials vary in composition, delivery and presentation. The clinician needs to be able to choose the right material depending on the clinical situation. The aim of this lecture is to discuss materials available for pulp therapy and also considerations for tooth restoration after pulp capping.
Sevim Canlar
Langenfeld, Germany
2009 - 2016 Graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry, Charite University of Berlin 2016 Postdoctoral research in sleep medicine, Charite University of Berlin 2016 - 2018 Assistant doctor in private practice 2017 CEO and Founder of the Marketing Agency "BeDental Marketing" since 2017 CEO and Founder of WOD Academy World of Dentistry with 326.000 Follower on Facebook and 60.000 on Instagram. I am passionate at organizing profitable online campaigns, dental events with using facebook as a marketing channel and generating new patients for dental practices with online marketing. Why the obsession with marketing? There are three main reasons I love marketing: people, technology, and creativity.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 15:00 - 15:20
Don't hesitate to sell (yourself) - online marketing as a key to success
Colonel Dr. Sandra Chmieleck
Koblenz, Germany
Diensteintritt in die Bundeswehr 07/1993. Studium der Zahnmedizin in Marburg 1994-2000,
anschließend verschiedene kurative und administrative Tätigkeiten als Truppenzahnärztin,
Personalführerin, Adjutantin, Referentin im Verteidigungsministerium sowie Erfahrungen
aus zwei Auslandseinsätzen. Derzeitig tätig im Kommando Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr als
Referatsleiterin III 1 für Planung und Steuerung der zahnärztlichen Versorgung der Bundeswehr.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 16:20 - 16:40
Just an ordinary day: a female dentist in the Federal Armed Forces Medical Service
Prof. Bun San Chong
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BS Chong is Professor of Restorative Dentistry/Honorary Consultant, Endodontic Lead & Director, Postgraduate Endodontics, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. In addition, he is a General Dental Council (UK) registered Specialist in Endodontics and has been in private practice since 1990.
Professor Chong is the Editor and contributing author of two editions (6th and 7th) of Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice; author of Managing Endodontic Failure in Practice; contributing author to Self-Assessment Picture Tests in Dentistry: Endodontics and Principles of Endodontics. He is also on the Editorial Board of the International Endodontic Journal, Editor-in-Chief (UK) of ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today, and President, British Endodontic Society (2017-18).
Friday, 11.01.2019, 15:30 - 15:45
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:45 - 18:00
Dr. Victor Clavijo
São Paulo, Brazil
Friday, 11.01.2019, 16:15 - 17:00
Prosthetic and surgical soft tissue concepts in anterior implant cases
ZA Carsten Czerny
Kassel, Germany
Am 29. Dezember 2015 ist das "Gesetz für sichere digitale Kommunikation und Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen" (E-Health-Gesetz) in Kraft getreten. Ziel des Gesetzes ist es, eine digitale Informations- und Kommunikationsstruktur im Gesundheitswesen zu etablieren und dadurch die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualität der Versorgung weiter zu verbessern.
Ziel ist die Vernetzung aller Praxen, Krankenhäuser, Apotheken und weitere Akteure des Gesundheitssystems durch die Telematikinfrastruktur (TI), eine digitale Plattform für den Datenaustausch. Hierfür gibt das E-Health-Gesetz einen konkreten Fahrplan mit Fristen vor. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Fristen, die Finanzierung und die technische Ausstattung, aber auch darüber, wohin die "Reise" noch geht; denn der Austausch der Versichertenstammdaten VDSM ist nur die erste Stufe. Bringt die TI auch Verbesserungen, Vereinfachungen und weniger Papier? Oder ist es nicht mehr als die "Big Brother is watching you"-Welt? Tipps und Informationen aus erster Hand, denn als IT-Beauftragter der KZV Hessen sitzt der Referent ganz nah an der Quelle.
Am 29. Dezember 2015 ist das "Gesetz für sichere digitale Kommunikation und Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen" (E-Health-Gesetz) in Kraft getreten. Ziel des Gesetzes ist es, eine digitale Informations- und Kommunikationsstruktur im Gesundheitswesen zu etablieren und dadurch die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualität der Versorgung weiter zu verbessern.
Ziel ist die Vernetzung aller Praxen, Krankenhäuser, Apotheken und weitere Akteure des Gesundheitssystems durch die Telematikinfrastruktur (TI), eine digitale Plattform für den Datenaustausch. Hierfür gibt das E-Health-Gesetz einen konkreten Fahrplan mit Fristen vor. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Fristen, die Finanzierung und die technische Ausstattung, aber auch darüber, wohin die "Reise" noch geht; denn der Austausch der Versichertenstammdaten VDSM ist nur die erste Stufe. Bringt die TI auch Verbesserungen, Vereinfachungen und weniger Papier? Oder ist es nicht mehr als die "Big Brother is watching you"-Welt? Tipps und Informationen aus erster Hand, denn als IT-Beauftragter der KZV Hessen sitzt der Referent ganz nah an der Quelle.
Prof. Dr. Bettina Dannewitz
Weilburg, Germany
1999: Graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry (DDS), Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg. 1999: Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Heidelberg. 2004-2006: Postdoctoral research fellow of the Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg. Aug. 2004: Consultant at the Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Heidelberg. Sep. 2004: Specialist in Periodontology certified by the German Society for Periodontology (DGParo). 2009: Habilitation. 2009: Associate Editor of Parodontologie, Quintessence Publishing, Berlin. 2010: Established dental practice in Weilburg and part-time senior lecturer at the Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Heidelberg. 2011: Board member of the German Society for Periodontology (DG PARO). 2016: Research and teaching assistant at the Department for Periodontology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt.
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 16:00 - 16:45
If you want to prevent periodontitis do you have to die young? Age and periodontitis
Dr. Alessandro Devigus
Buelach, Switzerland
21. Aug. 1962: Geboren auf Sardinien (Italien). 1987: Abschluss des Studiums der Zahnmedizin am Zahnmedizinischen Zentrum der Universität Zürich (Schweiz). 1987-1990: Assistent in Privatpaxis. 1988: Dissertation. Seit 1990: in eigener Praxis tätig CEREC Instruktor am Zahnmedizinischen Zentrum der Universität Zürich (Klinik für Alters- und Behindertenzahnmedizin) Lehrauftrag an der Uni Freiburg (Abt. Prof. J. R. Strub) Lehrauftrag an der Uni Basel (Abt. Prof. Th. Lambrecht) Forschungsprojekt an der Uni Genf (Abt. Prof. I. Krejci) Verschiedene Kurse und Vorträge aus den Bereichen CAD/CAM, Fotografie, digitale Technologien Publikationen: Redaktor des "Dentist Newsletter" (http://www.dentistnewsletter.com) Chefredaktor des "European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry" (Quintessenz) "Digital Shade taking in Dentistry", Quintessenz (2003) The Fundamentals of Color Quintessence Books (Spring 2004) "Coloring Vita InCeram YZ framework part I and part II" (2004/2005) Verschiedene Kurzartikel und Fallberichte. Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten: Gründer und Präsident der SGcZ (Swiss Society of computerized Dentistry) SGI (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Implantologie) Vorstandsmitglied EAED, active member Neue Gruppe (Vizepräsident).
Aesthetic dentistry has evolved in many areas in recent years.
In the lecture, developments in materials, digital planning and their clinical implementation will be explained.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 17:45 - 18:00
Dr. Didier Dietschi
Genf, Switzerland
Dr. Didier Dietschi was licensed in 1984 and got his doctoral and Privat Docent degrees in 1988 and 2003, respectively, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He also got a PhD degree in 2003 at the University of ACTA, Netherlands. Dr. Dietschi spent 6 years as full time faculty in the departments of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, at the Geneva dental school where he holds now a senior lecturer position. He is also adjunct associate professor at Case Western University (Cleveland). Dr. Dietschi maintains a part time activity in a private office in Geneva, dedicated to esthetic restorative dentistry. Dr. Dietschi has published more than 70 clinical and scientific papers and book chapters on adhesive and esthetic restorations; he also co-authored the book "Adhesive Metal-free Restorations", edited in 1987 by Quintessence and translated in 7 languages. Dr. Dietschi is lecturing internationally on adhesive & esthetic restorations.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 16:15 - 17:00
Indications and protocols in esthetic dentistry: the composite way
Daniel Dommenz
Berlin, Germany
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 13:00 - 16:00
Apo-Bank | Der Weg in die eigene Praxis
Dr. Eric van Dooren
Wilrijk, Belgium
Dr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. After graduating he opened a private practice in Antwerp, Belgium, which is limited to periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, and implants.
Currently Dr. Van Dooren is a Visiting Professor at University of Liege ( Belgium) and University of Marseille. He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Dr. Van Dooren lectures nationally and internationally, mainly on esthetics, implants and esthetic periodontal surgery.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 16:15 - 17:00
Prosthetic and surgical soft tissue concepts in anterior implant cases
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Dragan
Boston, United States of America
Dr. Irina Dragan is Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM), in the Department of Periodontology and the Office of Academic Affairs. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Her academic responsibilities at TUSDM include serving as Program Director for the Dental Educational Learning and Teaching Academy Fellowship and supporting the Complex Cases Management initiative. The latest, was designed to strengthen and facilitate an interdisciplinary and interprofessional path forward, that benefits clinicians (students, residents, private practitioners) and most importantly patients. As an enthusiastic and dedicated Junior Faculty at TUSDM, she has been actively involved with educational and clinical research projects. Her efforts have been recognized in 2014 with the ADEA/AADR Academic Dental Career Fellowship, 2015 ADEA Emerging Academic Leaders Program, 2016 AAP Foundation Fellowship to attend Institute for Teaching and Learning Program and with the 2016 ADEA Chair of the Board of Directors (Presidential) Citation. She is currently the only dentist selected internationally by Harvard University for the 2018 Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions. Dr. Dragan was invited by the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) to serve as a consultant for several projects, since she served as European Dental Students' Association (EDSA) President in the time period the 2009-2010. Most recently, she was selected to represent ADEA for the 2017 global initiative "Shaping the Future of Dental Education" and served as the Rapporteur for the workshop "New Technologies and Scientific Discoveries". At the 2018 ADEA Annual Meeting she was elected as the Secretary for the ADEA SIG "Career Development for New Educators". Dr. Dragan maintains a private practice limited to periodontology and implant dentistry at Tufts Faculty Practice located in downtown Boston.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 10:30 - 10:50
A visionary perspective for dentistry: integrating clinical care with research in a learning environment
Prof. Dr. Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff
München, Germany
Daniel Edelhoff granted his Certified Dental Technician degree from the Dental technician school in Düsseldorf, Germany. He graduated from Dental School in 1991 and earned his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from the University of Aachen, Germany in 1994. He served as Visiting Professor at the Dental Clinical Research Center of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, Oregon from 1999 to 2001. He granted his Ph.D. in June 2003 at the University of Aachen and is currently Director and Chair at the Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. Daniel Edelhoff is board certified Specialist in Prosthodontics and holds membership in the German Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and the German Society Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterial Sciences (DGPro). He is Vice-President of the Association of Dental Technology (ADT), member of the advisory board of the DGPro, Associate Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and International College of Dentists (ICD), as well as Scientific Chairman of the 8th World Congress of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED) 2013 in Munich. Daniel Edelhoff received in 2010 the award "Best Lecture" by the Association of Dental Technology (ADT), in 2011 the award "Best article of the year" by the Italian Dental Dialogue Journal, and in 2011/2012/2013 three awards "Best Teacher" by the dental students of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and the Bavarian Association of Dentists. Since 2014 he is Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) as well as Associate Editor of the multidisciplinary international research journal Clinical Oral Investigations.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 10:30 - 10:45
In den letzten Jahren haben sich verschiedene moderne Therapiemöglichkeiten entwickelt, die wesentliche Bereiche für den Aufbau endodontisch behandelter Zähne abdecken und klassische Behandlungsprinzipien in Frage stellen. Heute sind in zahlreichen Situationen alternative Aufbaumöglichkeiten für endodontisch behandelte Zähne verfügbar durch die der Einsatz von Wurzelkanalstiften umgangen werden kann und die aufgrund der geringeren Invasivität zu bevorzugen sind. Voraussetzung ist jedoch eine detaillierte Kenntnis der Materialeigenschaften transluzenter Keramiken und deren Kombinationsmöglichkeit mit geeigneten adhäsiven Aufbau- und Befestigungsmaterialien, um stark verfärbte Zahnhartsubstanz minimalinvasiv maskieren zu können.
Ziel dieses Vortrages ist es, ein klares Konzept für die Restauration endodontisch behandelter Zähne mit unterschiedlichen Destruktionsgraden an die Hand zu geben, das die aktuellsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und Bewertungen berücksichtigt. Anhand zahlreicher klinischer Beispiele wird ein Update zu den verschiedenen Indikationsbereichen vom plastischen Adhäsivaufbauten bis Wurzelkanalstiften gegeben, wie auch das Vorgehen bei stark verfärbten endodontisch behandelten Zähnen beim Einsatz von vollkeramischen Restaurationen dargestellt.
Prof. Dr. Peter Eickholz
Frankfurt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Peter Eickholz, Jahrgang 1963; 1982-1987 Studium der Zahnheilkunde in Köln; 1988-1989 Tätigkeit als Sanitätsoffizier bei der Bundeswehr; 1989 Promotion; 1989-1992 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Poliklinik für Parodontologie der Universität Münster; 1992 Fachzahnarzt für Parodontologie; 1992-2004 Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde der Universität Heidelberg, 1995-2004 Oberarzt und 2000-2004 Leiter der Sektion Parodontologie; Habilitation 1997; außerplanmäßige Professur 2003; seit 2004 Direktor der Poliklinik für Parodontologie des Zentrums der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (Carolinum); 1994 DG PARO-Spezialist für Parodontologie®; Mitglied im Editorial Board des Journal of Clinical Periodontology, im wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Deutschen Zahnärztlichen Zeitschrift und Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift Parodontologie; 2011-2016 Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Parodontologie (DG PARO). Forschungsschwerpunkte: regenerative Parodontitistherapie, Therapie von Furkationsdefekten, Langzeitergebnisse nach Parodontitistherapie und Einfluss von Risikofaktoren, Parodontitis und andere Erkrankungen. Anschrift: Poliklinik für Parodontologie, Zentrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 (Haus 29), 60596 Frankfurt am Main.
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 17:30 - 17:45
Die Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation (MIH), auch als non-endemische Verfärbung, interne Schmelzhypoplasie oder idiopathische Schmelzverfärbung bezeichnet, ist charakterisiert durch abgegrenzte qualitative, entwicklungs- und systemisch bedingte Defekte des Schmelzes mindestens eines bleibenden Molaren ohne oder mit Beteiligung der bleibenden Inzisiven. die fünfte Deutsche Mundgesundheitsstudie berichtet über ein MIH-Prävalenz von 28.7% unter 12-järigen Kinder. MIH wurde mit pränatalen Expositionen gegenüber möglichen Risikofaktoren (wie Rauchen während der Schwangerschaft), perinatalen Expositionen (wie Frühgeburtlichkeit oder niedriges Geburtsgewicht), postnatalen Expositionen (wie frühkindlicher Krankheit oder Untergewicht) und im Allgemeinen Medikamente verbunden. Eine multifaktorielle Pathogenese mit einer möglichen genetischen Komponente scheint jedoch wahrscheinlich. Der hypomineralisierte Zahnschmelz zeigt schlechtere mechanische Eigenschaften mit reduzierter Härte und Elastizitätsmodul gegenüber normalem Schmelz. Klinisch sind Überempfindlichkeit, post-eruptiver Schmelzabbau und die Entwicklung von kariösen Läsionen in betroffenem und gebrochenem Schmelz oder freiliegendem Dentin relevant. In der täglichen Praxis ist jedoch weniger die Ätiologie als die Behandlung von MIH-Zähnen relevant. Dabei stellen die Unterschiede in der klinischen Erscheinung und das breite Spektrum an Behandlungsmodalitäten, die von Prävention, Restaurationen bis hin zu Extraktion und kieferorthopädischer Behandlung reichen, eine Reihe von Herausforderungen für Zahnärzte dar.
Dr. Peter Engel
Berlin, Germany
Dr. Peter Engel
1949 born in Dahme/Mark
1975 Dental graduation
1979 Doctor Medicinae Dentium
1975 - 1979 Postgraduate education in oral surgery in the
Dept. Oral Surgery of the Center of Dentistry
of the University CAU Kiel
since 1980 established in private dental practice in Cologne
since 1994 Member of the Commission of dental continuing
education of the Dental Chamber North Rhine
1998 - 2000 Member of the Board of the Dental Chamber
North Rhine and continuing dental education officer
since 2000 President of the Dental Chamber North Rhine and member
of the board of the German Dental Association (BZAEK)
since 2002 active in FDI, ERO and CED
2004-2005 Member of the FDI Dental Practice Committee
since 2005 Chairman of the Senate for private scale of fees
of the German Dental Association
since 2005 Councillor of FDI
since 2008 President of the German Dental Association
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:10 - 14:40
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:00
Dr Marco Esposito is Associate Professor in Biomaterials with the Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Sweden, Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Oral Implantology (EJOI) and of the Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia (RIS), Associate Editor of the Cochrane Oral Health Group, President of the British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry (BAIRD), Academic Advisor to the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Director of the Scientific Committee of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS). Marco graduated with honors in dentistry at the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1990 and was awarded a PhD in Biomaterials from the Göteborg University in 1999. He created and directed the Postgraduate Dental Specialties courses in Dental Implantology at the University of Manchester, UK (2006-2011). He is a specialist in Periodontics (UK). He authored more than 250 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and gave more than 600 lectures and courses at national and international level. He is currently working as free lance researcher in clinical implant dentistry and periodontology. Freelance researcher, Associate Professor in Biomaterials at Göteborg University, Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Oral Implantology (EJOI), Associate Editor of the Cochrane Oral Health Group, President of the British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry (BAIRD), Academic Advisor at the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Director of the Scientific Committee of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS). Marco graduated with honors at the University of Pavia, and was awarded a PhD in Biomaterials from the Göteborg University. He created and directed the Postgraduate Course in Implantology at the University of Manchester. He is a specialist in Periodontics and authored more than 250 publications and gave over 600 lectures.
This seminar will be particular useful for those planning to submit any manuscript to the International Journal of Oral Implantology and is aimed at introducing the topic of how interpreting and writing scientific clinical papers. The matter may look quite complex for the majority of dentists and researchers but it is of extreme importance if you are really interested in knowing how facts actually are. The seminar will start with a conventional but interactive lecture about different study designs and when they should be used. The basic principles of how sound clinical research should be implemented will be presented and discussed. Special emphasis will be given to studies evaluating the effectiveness of therapies since this is probably the topic which clinicians and patients could benefit the most. At the end of the lecture, participants are invited to present and discus jointly potential research protocols and related matters to facilitate their tasks in designing simple, effective and feasible clinical studies. At the end of the seminar your critical skills will be potentiated and you should be able to view the whole scientific literature with a different eye.
Dr. Wolfgang Eßer
Mönchengladbach, Germany
1973Abitur. 1973-1978: Studium an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. 1978: Promotion bei Prof. Dr. N. Schwenzer. 1979-1980: Wehrdienst als Stabsarzt in Weingarten. 1980-1982: Assistenzzeit in freier Praxis. 1982-2012: Niederlassung in eigener Praxis in Mönchengladbach Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Prophylaxe, Parodontologie, Implantologie und Restaurative ZHK. 1986: Mitglied der Studiengruppe für restaurative Zahnheilkunde. 1989-2005: Mitglied der Vertreterversammlung der KZV Nordrhein. 1993-2000: Mitglied des Vorstandes der KZV Nordrhein. 2001-2005: stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der KZV Nordrhein. 2002: Mitglied im Vorstand der Kassenzahnärztlichen Bundesvereinigung. 2005: stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der KZBV. Seit 2013: Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der KZBV.
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:40 - 15:10
Dr. Susanne Fath
Berlin, Germany
ZTM Vincent Fehmer
Geneva, Switzerland
Zahntechnikermeister (ZTM), Zahntechniker an der Klinik für festsitzende Prothetik und Biomaterialien, Zentrum für Zahnmedizin, Universität Genf, Schweiz (Leiter : Prof. Dr. I. Sailer) Vincent Fehmer absolvierte seine zahntechnische Ausbildung in den Jahren von 1998 bis 2002 in Stuttgart, Deutschland. Von 2002 bis 2003 arbeitete er volontärisch in zahntechnischen Oral Design Laboren in Großbritanien und in den USA. Von 2003 bis 2009 arbeitete er bei einem Oral Design Labor in Berlin, Deutschland - Die Dental Manufaktur Mehrhof. Im Jahr 2009 absolvierte er den Abschluss zum ZTM in Deutschland. Von 2009 bis 2014 ist er als Chefzahntechniker an der Klinik für festsitzende Prothetik und zahnärztliche Materialkunde in Zürich, Schweiz tätig. Seit 2015 arbeitet er an der Klinik für festsitzende Prothetik und Biomaterialien an der Universität Genf und führt sein eigenes Labor in Lausanne. ZTM Fehmer ist Fellow des Internationalen Team für Implantologie (ITI) und Mitglied der Oral Design Gruppe sowie der Europäischen Vereinigung der Zahntechnik (EADT) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (DGÄZ). Er ist auf nationaler sowie internationaler Ebene als Referent tätig. Herr Fehmer hat Auszeichnungen wie den Preis für die beste Master- Programm des Jahres (Berlin, Deutschland) erhalten. Er hat zahlreiche Artikel im Bereich der festsitzenden Prothetik und digitalen Zahntechnik veröffentlicht.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:00 - 14:45
Management of white and pink esthetics: an interdisciplinary approach
Dr. Federico Ferraris
Alessandri, Italy
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 17:00 - 17:45
Indications and protocols in esthetic dentistry: the ceramic way
Prof. Dr. Stefan Fickl
Würzburg, Germany
1998-2003: Studies and dental degree at University Erlangen, Germany. 2004: Doctor Thesis. 2004-2007: Postgraduate Education in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the Institute of Periodontology and Implantology (IPI), Munich, Germany. Since 2007: Specialist in Periodontologiy (German Association of Periodontology (DGP)). Since 2007: Activity Emphasis on Dental Implantology (German Association of Implantology). 2007-2009: Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Chair: Dr. Dennis Tarnow) at New York University, New York, United States. 2008: NYU International Fellowship Award (BIOMET 3i). 2008: Research Award Implantology (DGP). 2009-2017: Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany.
Parodontale Erkrankungen sind hoch prävalent. So ist bekannt, dass fast jeder Zweite unter Gingivitis leidet und jeder Zehnte an einer schweren Parodontitis. Parodontale Erkrankungen haben nicht nur Konsequenzen für die orale Gesundheit (Zahnwanderung, Zahnlockerung, Blutung, Foeter ex ore, Zahnverlust), sondern es ist mittlerweile auch bekannt, dass diese Erkrankungen einen Effekt auf den Gesamtorganismus haben.
Denn einerseits führt die ständig vorhandene Entzündung im oralen Bereich zu erhöhten systemischen Entzündungswerten und andererseits wird durch die hohe Keimbelastung im gingivalen Sulkus/Tasche eine ständige Bakteriämie ausgelöst, die ihrerseits wieder eine Immunreaktion initiiert. Ziel dieser Kurzdarstellung ist die Vorstellung von möglichen Interaktionen der Parodontitis und Gingivitis auf die Gesamtgesundheit und somit auch die Leistungsfähigkeit und die Möglichkeit der Behandlung und damit ggf. Verbesserung der Leistung.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:45 - 10:30
Soft tissue management around implants in the esthetic zone
Dr. Mauro Fradeani MD, DDS
Pesaro, Italy
Dr. Fradeani graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Ancona in 1979, where he then completed a specialization in Dentistry in 1983. He was president of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (2003/2004), president of Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica (1999/2000), and visiting associate professor in Prosthetics at Louisiana State University, New Orleans from 1999 until 2008. He is an associate editor for The European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and he is a member of the editorial boards of Practical Procedures & Aesthetic Dentistry and of The Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. He is an active member of The American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and maintains membership in The American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. He is Founder and Director of ACE Institute, Advanced Continuing Education centre in Pesaro, Italy and Founder and Director of Mauro Fradeani Education. He is the author of the two-volume series Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics translated in 12 languages.(Quintessence, 2004, 2008). He runs a private practice limited solely to prosthetics on natural dentition and implants in Pesaro, Italy.
Designing full-mouth complex rehabilitations on natural dentition and implants with optimum esthetics requires correct treatment planning, evaluation of the most suitable ceramic material and advanced skills. Today technology validly supports the clinician in the definition of an ideal treatment plan thanks to GETApp (Guided Esthetic Treatment Application), an app that automatically analyzes all the values and esthetic and functional information on the patient to determine the best treatment to be chosen in accordance with the patient's and the clinician's needs.
The tool guides the dentist step-by-step through the complete decision-making process, aiding him or her in achieving optimal esthetic and functional results. The two main phases of data collection and processing offer detailed clinical explanations, which contribute to making GETApp a modern educational system for both simple and complex prosthetic rehabilitations.
By the clinician following all of the suggested steps and entering all of the requested values and parameters, the app automatically generates a PDF file containing all of the information provided by the clinician. This allows the dentist to easily share with the dental lab every detail for the fabrication of the ideal prosthetic work. This app is also designed to interact with other available technological tools (such as new-generation 3-D face scanners), thus facilitating an entirely digital workflow for prosthetic rehabilitations.
Innovative operative protocols such as the MIPP (Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedures), combined with the use of modern digital systems such as the GETApp, represent a revolution in the approach to prosthetic treatment.
Prof. Dr. Roland Frankenberger
Marburg, Germany
1967: geboren in Eichstätt/Bayern. 1987-1992: Studium der Zahnheilkunde, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. 1993: Promotion. 1999: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. 2000: Habilitation, Ernennung zum Oberarzt. 2001: Miller-Preis der DGZMK. 2006-2008: 3 Preise für gute Lehre in der klinischen Zahnmedizin, Med. Fak. FAU Erlangen. 2008: Walkhoff-Preis der DGZ. 2008: Forschungspreis der AG Keramik. 2009: Direktor der Abteilung für Zahnerhaltungskunde, Med. Zentrum für ZMK, Philipps-Universität Marburg. 2009-2012: Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der APW. 2011: Chefredakteur der "Quintessenz". 2012: Geschäftsführender Direktor der Zahnklinik Marburg. 2012: Präsident der DGZ. Seit 2015: Editor-in-Chief des Journal of Adhesive Dentistry.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 15:30 - 15:45
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 17:45 - 18:00
Dr. Eiji Funakoshi
Fukuoka, Japan
Dr. Eiji Funakoshi earned his DDS degree at Kyushu Dental College in Kitakyushu, Japan; his certificate in periodontology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts; and his MSD degree at the Indiana University School of Dentistry in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has had several academic appointments in periodontics at the above universities as well as at the Nihon University School of Dentistry in Tokyo, Japan, and Kagoshima University School of Dentistry in Kagoshima, Japan. He taught many years as a clinical professor at Kyushu University School of Dentistry and Fukuoka Dental College both in Fukuoka, Japan. Currently he is a clinical professor in periodontics at Kyushu Dental University in Kitakyushu, Japan. He is a fellow of the International College of Dentists, the American College of Dentists, International Team for Implantology. He is currently a section chairman of the International Team for Implantology Section Japan, a member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), the Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP), the Japan Dental Association, and the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology (JACP); past president and a founder of the JACP; and past executive board member of the JSP. Dr Funakoshi has published more than 50 publications in national and international journals and given more than150 presentations at national and international meetings. In 2009 he won the AAP Honorary Membership Award. In 2015 he was elected a board member of the ITI at the ITI Annual General Meeting in Istanbul on 25th, April, 2015.
Our treatment goals for periodontitis usually requires life-long management of periodontally involved teeth and often includes various treatment modality. Periodontal intrabony defects are the most challenging treatment modality when compared to horizontal bony defects. Many studies have shown that it is possible to regenerate periodontal attachment in localized intrabony defects, including the formation of new root cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone.
Presently, the ideal treatment of periodontal intrabony defects can be treated by regenerative therapy, such as GTR(guided tissue regeneration) and EMD (enamel metric derivative), rather than resective therapy.
I would like to present the long term results of these procedures by comparing GTR with EMD procedures. This presentation also shows how to save teeth for years that many would prognose as questionable to hopeless.
Anja Genz
Berlin, Germany
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 13:00 - 16:00
Apo-Bank | Der Weg in die eigene Praxis
Prof. Dr. Petra Gierthmühlen
Düsseldorf, Germany
1996-2001: College of Dentistry, DDS degree from Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany. 2002-2006: Assistant Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany. 2003: Dr Med Dent Degree. 2005: Board certified Prosthodontist, German Society of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials (DGPro). 2006-2009: Visiting Assistant Professor in dem Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, NYU College of Dentistry, New York, USA. 2009: Associate Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany (Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. h .c. J. R. Strub). 2011: Dr Med Dent Habil degree (PhD equivalent). Since 2016: Professor and Chair Department of Prosthodontics Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf.
The main goal of comprehensive dental rehabilitation is to achieve a pleasing harmony between the face, smile and teeth. Here, a number of tools are being implemented by the clinicians to evaluate the relationship between the different components of the face and to provide guidance for treatment planning as well as for the fabrication of the final restorations. Today, the progressive shift towards implementing digitally-driven 3D engineering tools in reconstructive dentistry is obvious. Compared to the conventional techniques, the ultimate goal of the digital technologies is to improve the quality and capabilities in examination, diagnosis and treatment of the dental patient. It is still questionable, however, whether such digital tools facilitate improved accuracy in data acquisition and assessment, superior efficacy in treatment planning, and more controlled and faster manufacturing process. This presentation will provide an insight about the emerging technologies in contemporary prosthodontics and discuss their possibilities and advantages compared to the conventional approach.
PD Dr. Dr. Christiane Gleissner
Reichelsheim Wetterau, Germany
1980 - 1986 College of Medicine, MD degree, Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU), Mainz.
1985 - 1989 College of Dentistry, DDS degree, JGU, Mainz.
1992 Doctorate in Medicine (Dr. med. degree), JGU, Mainz.
1993 Doctorate in Dentistry (Dr. med. dent. degree), JGU, Mainz.
1989-2005 Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, JGU, Mainz.
2005 Habilitation and Venia legendi (teaching authorization) for Dental and Oral Medicine, specifically Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, JGU, Mainz.
since 2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, JGU, Mainz.
since 2007 Director of the institute for the advanced education of the dental assistant of
the Association of Dentists in Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz.
since 2008 joint dental practice (Praxis Gleissner & Kollegen) in Reichelsheim / Wetterau
and part-time senior lecturer at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, JGU, Mainz.
2010-2015 Vice President Dentista / Women dentists Germany association.
since 2015 Board member of Dentista / Women dentists Germany association.
since 2011 Founding member and President of Gender Dentistry International (GDI) e.V.
Focus of clinical activity: preventive dentistry, periodontology, endodontics.
Focus of scientific research: Gender dentistry, periodontal medicine, assessment of periodontal risk and caries risk.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:30 - 09:50
Why we need research in gender dentistry
Friday, 11.01.2019, 11:30 - 12:30
Podium discussion
Dr. Florian Göttfert
Nürnberg, Germany
Geboren 1981 in Erlangen
- Studium mit erfolgreichem Abschluss 2003 - 2009 an der Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg
- Promotion 2010
- seit 2012 Praxispartner bei edel&weiss Nürnberg Zahnarztpraxis & Prophylaxelounge
- seit 2012 Partner des Fortbildungsinstituts 2N Fortbildungen für Zahnärzte
Berufliche Fortbildung
- offiziell zertifizierter Teamdentist durch die international academy of sports dentistry
- zertifizierter Spezialist für ästhetische Zahnheilkunde und Funktion durch die deutsche Gesellschaft für ästhetische
Zahnheilkunde (DGÄZ) und der European Dental Association (EDA)
Mitglied in Fachgesellschaften:
- DGÄZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für ästhetische Zahnheilkunde)
- DGSZM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportzahnmedizin)
- IASD (International Academy of Sports Dentistry)
- DGFDT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Funktionsdiagnostik und Therapie)
- DGZMK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferkrankheiten)
- DGL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laserzahnmedizin)
Immer wieder sieht man es im Fernsehen. Was hat Tennisspielerin Julia Görges im Mund? Was blitzt da im Mund von Skiprofis, Rodlern, Triathleten oder sogar Fussballprofis? Sie tragen doch nicht etwa eine Schiene während des Sports?
Wie kann so eine Schiene die Leistung eines Sportlers beeinflussen?
Dr. Göttfert stellt in seinem Kurzreferat die evidenzbasierten Einflüsse von Performanceschienen auf den menschlichen Körper dar. Anhand vieler Beispiele aus dem Spitzensport umreißt er neben der Wirkungsweise auch den
Individuellen Herstellungsweg spezieller Leistungsschienen und die Möglichkeiten spezifische Leistungs-Parameter messen zu können.
Dr. Dennis Grosse
Köln, Germany
1999-2004: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Albert- Ludwigs- Universität, Freiburg. 2004: Auslandsaufenthalt, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Division of Endodontics, Harvard University, U.S.A. 2006: Promotion. 2007: Zertifikat für Endodontologie - der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (DGZ) und der Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft (APW) . Seit 2007: niedergelassen in endodontischer Überweisungspraxis in Köln. 2015: Abschluss einer zweijährigen berufsbegleitenden postgraduierten Ausbildung - "International Program in Endodontics, Microendodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery", School of Dental Medicine, Department of Endodontics, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 2017: Referent für die Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft (APW) Endodontie und mikrochirurgische Endodontie. Mitglied in zahlreichen Fachgesellschaften (AAE, DGET, ESE, VDZE). Seit 2018: Präsident des Verbands deutscher zertifizierter Endodontologen (VDZE).
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 10:30 - 10:45
Dr. Galip Gürel
Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Galip Gurel graduated from the University of Istanbul, Dental School in 1981. He continued his education at the University of Kentucky, Department of Prosthodontics. Received his MSc degree from Yeditepe University in, Istanbul. Dr. Gurel is the founder and the honorary president of EDAD (Turkish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry). He was the President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) for 2011 & 2012. He received "The Smigel" award in October 2014 which is granted biennially by New York University College of Dentistry to honor the best esthetic dentists in the world for the social contribution they create, their support for the improvement of esthetic dentistry,their vision and determination and their ability to present innovative ideas around dentistry globally and the education they provide to the dental health professionals about advanced esthetics, technology and the new techniques in general dentistry. He is also a member of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics (ASDA) and American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD) and the honorary diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD) . He is also the editor-in-chief of the Quintessence Magazine in Turkey and on the editorial board of the AACD journal, PPAD (Practical Procedure & Aesthetic Dentistry), EJED (European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry). He has been lecturing on dental aesthetics all over the world and giving post graduate lectures on aesthetics dentistry. He is a visiting professor at the New York University (USA), Marseille Dental University (France) and Istanbul Yeditepe University (Turkey). He is the author of "The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers" published by Quintessence publications in 2003 translated into 12 different languages. He has been practicing in his own clinic in Istanbul, specializing in Aesthetic Dentistry, since 1984. A renown sportsman, Dr. Gurel has been the Captain of the Turkish National Team of Water Polo for 110 times, a World Champion of the Camel Trophy and a participant of the Paris-Dakar Rally.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 16:15 - 17:00
The art of the personalized smile design
Manuela Hackenberg
Edingen-Neckarhausen, Germany
Manuela Hackenberg ist Abrechnungsexpertin (ZMV) und seit vielen Jahren als Trainerin bundesweit tätig. Durch die intensive Betreuung von Zahnarztpraxen bundesweit ist Sie immer am Puls der Zeit. Sie kennt die Probleme, mit denen sich die Zahnarztpraxen im Praxisalltag auseinandersetzen müssen.
Als Referentin lässt Sie stets ihre Erfahrungen in die Seminare einfließen, eröffnet spannende Einblicke in die Praxis und erarbeitet mit Ihnen konkrete Lösungen.
Dental practice manager, ZMV, lizenzierte KTQ-Trainerin zur Einrichtung eines praxisinternen QM - Systems . Seit 1999 als Referentin und Beraterin in Zahnarztpraxen tätig. Autorin der PRAXIS PLANer Publikationen und diverse Autorentätigkeiten.
Schwerpunkte: Praxis-Coaching, Betriebswirtschaft, Organisation und Professionelle Abrechnung.
Immer mehr Patienten wünschen sich eine moderne und ästhetisch anspruchsvolle Versorgung. Verstärkt durch den "Trend" Implantologie, haben wir in den Zahnarztpraxen jährlich einen erhöhten Zuwachs im Bereich dieser hochwertigen Versorgungen.
Implantologie hat nicht nur eine fachlich-medizinische Seite, sondern auch umfangreiche Aspekte im Bereich der Abrechnungsmodalitäten.
Die GOZ liefert auf den ersten Blick oft keine adäquaten Möglichkeiten für eine wirtschaftliche Abrechnung der neuen Methoden und Verfahren. Auch das Erstattungsverhalten der privaten Kostenerstatter erschwert uns das Leben zusätzlich.
Ihre Themen für den Workshop
❑ Implantatbezogene Analyse und mögliche Zusatzleistungen
❑ Implantatinsertion mit Begleitleistungen und Wundverschlüssen
❑ Augmentation mit Membrantechniken, Knochenersatzmaterialien und Knochentransferchirurgie
❑ Sinuslift intern und extern
❑ Implantat-Freilegung mit weichgewebschirurgischen Maßnahmen
Der Patient von heute legt zunehmend Wert auf hochwertige, komfortable Zahnersatzlösungen. Aufgrund des gestiegenen Anspruchsniveaus wird eine umfassende Beratung und Unterstützung erwartet.
Vertiefen Sie Ihre Abrechnungskenntnisse im Wirtschaftszweig Implantologie. Ich freue mich darauf, Sie mit dem "Abrechnungs-Check implantologische Leistungen" bei der Erstellung eines wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Abrechnungskonzepts für Ihr Leistungsspektrum zu unterstützen.
Jörg Haist
Bensheim, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 11:45 - 12:15
AI: Experiences, potentials and limitation
Dr. Anke Handrock
Berlin, Germany
Friday, 11.01.2019, 14:40 - 15:00
How to use positive psychology to develop your leadership skills
PD Dr. Arndt Happe
Münster, Germany
1997-1998: Weiterbildungsassistent an der Privatzahnklinik Schellenstein in Olsberg, Chefarzt Prof. Dr. F. Khoury. 1999: Niederlassung in eigener Praxis in Münster Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Weiterbildung "Oralchirurgie" mit Fachzahnarztprüfung. Anerkennung der Gebietsbezeichnung "Oralchirurgie" Frühjahrstagungspreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Implantologie (DGI) für den besten wissenschaftlichen Vortrag aus der Praxis. 2000: Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt "Implantologie". 2004: Curriculum Parodontologie der Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft (APW), Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt "Parodontologie". 2007: Dozent im Masterstudiengang Parodontologie der Steinbeisuniversität Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der APW. 2008: seit Mai 2008 wissenschaftliche Kooperation mit der Abteilung für MKG- und Plastische Chirurgie, Oralchirurgie und Implantologie der Universitätsklink zu Köln. 2009: seit 2009 Dozent im Masterstudiengang Parodontologie der Dresden International University (DIU) in Zusammenarbeit mit der APW. 2010: seit Mai 2010 wissenschaftliche Kooperation mit der Abteilung für MKG- und Plastische Chirurgie, Oralchirurgie und Implantologie der Universitätsklinik zu Köln. 2013: Habilitation an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, Erteilung der venia legendi für das Fach Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferkrankheiten, Active Member EAED. 2014: Aktives Mitglied der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).
Patienten beurteilen den Erfolg von Implantatversorgungen nicht zuletzt aufgrund des ästhetischen Ergebnisses. Aber gerade im ästhetisch sensiblen Frontzahnbereich gibt es eine Vielzahl von Faktoren die das Ergebnis negativ beeinflussen können. Volumenveränderungen nach der Extraktion z.B. sind ein typisches Problem und werfen die Frage nach dem geeigneten Zeitpunkt für die Implantation und nach Strategien zur Kompensation auf.
Neue Materialien für die Weichgewebsverdickung stehen zur Verfügung, aber was kann man von ihnen erwarten? Und wie plane ich Implantatversorgungen im Frontzahnbereich überhaupt richtig?
Der Vortrag diskutiert diese und andere Fragen und zeigt verschiedene Herangehensweisen zur Erlangung eines ästhetischen Ergebnisses.
Dr. Karsten Heegewaldt
Berlin, Germany
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:10 - 14:40
Dr. Holger Hennig
Hamburg, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:45 - 15:05
AI in Medical Imaging
Rüdiger Henrici
Berlin, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 16:45 - 17:05
Automatic image annotation as the basis for dental decision support
Dr. MSc Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene
Berlin, Germany
2002 Dental Technician, HWK Münster, Germany; 2007 Dentistry Graduation University of Leipzig, Germany; 2015 M.Sc. Functional Analysis and -therapy, University of Greifswald, Germany; 2016 Certified for dental hypnosis by the German Association for Dental Hypnosis (DGZH); 2018 Dr. med. dent. University of Leipzig, Germany Member of Gender Dentistry International (GDI), DGfAN, DGZH, DGFDT, DGZMK, Berliner Hilfswerk, Dentista Association; 2007-2010 Board Member/Past President of the International Association of Dental Students (IADS); 2011-2015 Communication Officer of Young Dentists Worldwide; Since 2011 Board Member of the Berlin Dental Chamber (ZÄK Berlin), responsible for post graduate education and specialization; Since 2015 Vice President of Dentista/Women Dentists Germany Association; Since 2016 Board Member of Women Dentists Worldwide (WDW), section of the World Dental Federation (FDI) - Employed dentist at Dr. Elio Adler, Berlin
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:00
Friday, 11.01.2019, 13:30 - 13:50
How to develop a professional political association out of a female dentist's network
Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann
Göttingen, Germany
1974-1980: Studium der Zahnheilkunde in Göttingen.
Seit 1981: Mitarbeiter und Oberarzt der Poliklinik für Präventive Zahnmedizin, Parodontologie und Kariologie, Universität Göttingen.
Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift "Endodontie"
Friday, 11.01.2019, 10:30 - 10:45
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:00 - 17:45
Medically compromised patients: Clinical cases
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 13:00 - 16:00
Apo-Bank | Der Weg in die eigene Praxis
Dr. Hajime Igarashi
Kyoto, Japan
Hajime Igarashi. D.D.S.Ph.D.
I graduated from Asahi University School of dentistry in 1988.
My Mentor is Dr.Dennis.G.Smiler in Los Angels for training in implant surgery and prosthodontics. I have placed over 2500 immediate loaded implants for complete edentulous patients.
I have published 4 books about Oral Implant Rehabilitation involving a book translated in English from Qintessence of JAPAN.
Board member of ICOI JAPAN.
Japanese Society of Oral implantology.
After losing teeth and using ill-fitting denture for a long period of time, it is not only hard to masticate but also the movement of the masticatory muscles, facial expression muscles and tongue usually degenerate. Occlusal force cannot be fully demonstrated due to the loss of teeth and shortening the occlusal vertical dimension. Occlusal force exerts by contracting muscles under the presence of teeth. It is necessary to smoothly move the tongue and early recover the chewing and swallowing motions through the superstructure of the immediate loaded implants with an established certain occlusal vertical dimension with myo-functional therapy.
Dr. Dr. Robert Radu Ilesan
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:00 - 14:20
AI in automatic Pre-Diagnostics
Dr. Tomohiro Ishikawa
Hamamatsu, Japan
Dr. Tomohiro Ishikawa is a graduate of the Hiroshima University School of Dentistry. Since 2008, he has been a founder and instructor of 5-D Japan, an institute of periodontics, endodontics, implantology, microscopic dentistry, and esthetics. In addition to 5-D Japan, he is an instructor for the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology, and has presented throughout Japan, in North America, and Europe.
Dr. Ishikawa is a member in the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology, the American Academy of Periodontology, the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and the Academy of Osseointegration. He is currently serving as the vice-president of the Osseointegration Study Club of Japan.
Dr. Ishikawa has maintained a private practice, Ishikawa Dental Office, in Hamamatsu City, Japan since 1996.
In order to achieve esthetic results with anterior implants, it is necessary to three dimensionally augment bone along the dental arch to not only place the implant inside the bone, but to also support the soft tissue in harmony with the projected crown form. In many situations, not only hard tissue, but soft tissues are also significantly diminished, making soft tissue augmentation necessary. In addition, grafting of connective tissue and adjustments to the superstructure are needed to create a stable and attractive soft tissue frame. Using several cases, this presentation will demonstrate hard and soft tissue management techniques to achieve natural and esthetic implant treatment results.
Niko Kappel
Welzheim, Germany
Niko Kappel ist 1,40 Meter klein, sportlich gesehen jedoch spätestens seit dem 08. September 2016 schon ein ganz Großer.
Bei den Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro sicherte er sich die Goldmedaille, indem er seine Bestmarke auf 13,57 Meter steigerte.
Niko Kappel ist ein großes Vorbild, sportlich und menschlich. Denn bei allem sportlichen Erfolg hat er seine Bodenhaftung nicht verloren und vertritt in Sport und Gesellschaft eine klare Meinung.
Niko Kappel - der kleine Mann mit dem großen Herzen - versprüht fast immer gute Laune! Und dabei ist sein sportlicher Ehrgeiz weiter ungebrochen - nächste große Ziele sind die Paralympics in Tokio 2020!
NAME Niko Kappel
GEBURTSORT Schwäbisch Gmünd
GEBURTSDATUM 01. März 1995
WOHNORT Welzheim
GRÖSSE 1,40 m
2018 Vize-Europameister
2017 Weltmeister
2017 Para-Sportler des Jahres
2016 Paralympics-Goldmedaillengewinner
2016 Para-Sportler des Jahres
2016 Vize-Europameister
2015 Vize-Weltmeister
2011-2014 Junioren-Weltmeister
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 16:30 - 17:00
Wahre Größe wird nicht in cm gemessen. Der Paralympics Goldmedaillengewinner im Kugelstoßen über sein Leben und die Erfahrungen mit der Sportzahnmedizin.
Dr. Hideaki Katsuyama
To achieve long-term predictable results with implant therapeutics, stable hard and soft tissue around implant are prerequisite. We had to overcome various compromised situations such as deficiency of hard and/or soft tissue in horizontal and vertical aspects. Various approaches had been proposed to solve compromised situations simultaneously or prior to implant placement, however most of proposed new approaches had been diminished due to lack of scientific evidences, technical sensitivity, low patient quality of life during treatment and medico social aspects.
In this lecture, emphases will be made the efficacy of various approaches by reviewing long-term clinical results, especially solution to posterior maxilla, anterior maxilla and extended edentulous situations. In addition, the transition of the treatment concepts in 20 years and current trends of site development with minimal invasive approaches will be discussed.
Dr. Kathryn Kell
United States of America
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:00
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kern
Kiel, Germany
1980-1985: Studying Dentistry at the University of Freiburg i.Br. 1985-1989: Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Freiburg. 1987: Dr. med. dent. thesis. 1989-1991: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Freiburg 1. 1991-1993: Visiting Research Associate Professor, University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA (Grant of the German Society of Research). 1995: Dr. med. dent. habil. thesis. Since 1998: Professor and Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials at the Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel. 2002-2011: Dean for student affairs at the Christian-Albrechts Universität at Kiel. 2004: President Schleswig-Holstein Society for Dentistry. 2008-2012: Vice-President of the German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (DGPro). Dez. 2011: Recipient of the Schweitzer Research Award of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP). Juni 2012-Sep. 2016: President of the German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (DGPro).
Resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses (RBFDPs, so-called Maryland bridges) with two metal retainer wings have been introduced over 30 years ago for a minimal invasive replacement of missing teeth. However RBFDPs are still not considered a comparable treatment modality to implants by most of the dentists.
Cantilevered anterior RBFDPs with a single ceramic retainer wing were introduced 20 years ago. They provide better esthetics and are less invasive than two-retainer RBFDPs. In the meantime execellent long-term data of this minimal invasive treatment option are available. Similar concepts are now also implemented for the replacement of posterior teeth that show promising medium-term outcomes comparable to single tooth implants.
This lecture summarizes when zirconia ceramic RBFDPs present a favorable, minimally invasive and less costly treatment alternative to single tooth implants.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 12:45 - 13:00
Prof. Dr. Fouad Khoury
Olsberg, Germany
1973-1978: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der St. Joseph Universität, Beirut/Libanon. 1978-1979: Kieferchirurgische Abteilung der Universität Freiburg. 1979-1988: Assistent und später Oberarzt an der Klinik und Poliklinik für MKG-Chirurgie der Universität Münster. 1984: Facharzt Oralchirurgie. 1988: Habilitation. 1988-1994: Oberarzt an der Klinik und Poliklinik für MKG-Chirurgie der Universität Münster. 1994: Professor der Universität Münster. Seit 1994: Chefarzt der Privatzahnklinik Schloss Schellenstein und gleichzeitig weitere Beteiligungen an Lehr- und Forschungsprogrammen der Universität Münster. Mehrere Patente und Preise, über 100 Publikationen und Buchbeiträge sowie zahlreiche Vorträge und Kurse im In- und Ausland. Seit 1994: Beiratsmitglied mehreren Fachzeitschriften. Mehrere Patente und Preise, über 118 Publikationen und Buchbeiträge, 3 Fachbücher sowie mehr als 1000 Vorträge/ Kurse.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 14:45 - 15:30
Augmentation of severe bony defects with intraoral bone grafts: biologic approach and long-term results
Dr Marko Knauf
Freiburg, Germany
Von der digitalen Planung über das navigierten Implantieren bis zur finalen, prothetischen Versorgung- Eine Fallpräsentation mit identischer, praktischer Übung
Die digitale Welt hat die Implantologie erreicht. Wir möchten Ihnen mit diesem Kurs zeigen, wie Sie den Einstieg in die virtuelle Implantatplanung mit praktischer Umsetzung bis hin zur definitiven prothetischen Versorgung mit dem SIC System verwirklichen können.
Durch die Auswahl der richtigen Werkzeuge und Partner können Sie ohne eigene Investitionen die ganze Bandbreite der aktuell verfügbaren Technologien nutzen.
Am Beispiel einer Patientenbehandlung werden die Vorteile der verschiedenen Implantatkonfigurationen (SICmax®, SICace®, SICvantage®) und die Umsetzung mit der Planungssoftware SMOP vorgestellt.
Dabei werden die einzelnen Schritte der virtuellen Planung, der Herstellung von OP-Schablonen bis zu den Möglichkeiten der digitalen Sofort - und definitiven prothetischen Versorgung vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Nach der Vorstellung verschiedener Versorgungskonzepte am Patientenfall, können die Teilnehmer die Therapie am selben Modellfall mit einer navigiert geführten Implantation und provisorischen Versorgung am Modell anwenden.
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 13:00 - 16:00
Apo-Bank | Der Weg in die eigene Praxis
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ralf Kohal
Freiburg, Germany
Von der digitalen Planung über das navigierten Implantieren bis zur finalen, prothetischen Versorgung- Eine Fallpräsentation mit identischer, praktischer Übung
Die digitale Welt hat die Implantologie erreicht. Wir möchten Ihnen mit diesem Kurs zeigen, wie Sie den Einstieg in die virtuelle Implantatplanung mit praktischer Umsetzung bis hin zur definitiven prothetischen Versorgung mit dem SIC System verwirklichen können.
Durch die Auswahl der richtigen Werkzeuge und Partner können Sie ohne eigene Investitionen die ganze Bandbreite der aktuell verfügbaren Technologien nutzen.
Am Beispiel einer Patientenbehandlung werden die Vorteile der verschiedenen Implantatkonfigurationen (SICmax®, SICace®, SICvantage®) und die Umsetzung mit der Planungssoftware SMOP vorgestellt.
Dabei werden die einzelnen Schritte der virtuellen Planung, der Herstellung von OP-Schablonen bis zu den Möglichkeiten der digitalen Sofort - und definitiven prothetischen Versorgung vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Nach der Vorstellung verschiedener Versorgungskonzepte am Patientenfall, können die Teilnehmer die Therapie am selben Modellfall mit einer navigiert geführten Implantation und provisorischen Versorgung am Modell anwenden.
Dr. Stefen Koubi
Marseille, France
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 09:45 - 10:30
Challenging nature in a guided way
Dominik Kruchen
Berlin, Germany
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:40 - 15:10
Dr. Fabian Langenbach
Berlin, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 11:15 - 11:25
Welcome Notes; Smart Knowledge Transfer in Dentistry
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 17:30 - 18:00
Final Discussion: Consens or Dissens; Future Perspectives
Dr. Henriette Terezia Lerner
Baden-Baden, Germany
Henriette Lerner is founder and Director of HL Dentclinic and Academy in Baden-Baden, Germany, an academic clinical, teaching and research facility of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt on Main. She is President of Digital Dentistry Society International (DDS). Since 1990 she was granted the degree of Doctor Medic. (DMD degree) from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Temeschburg, Romania. Among other certifications, she is a Board member & Expert DGOI, (German Society of Oral Implantology,) ICOI Diplomate Editorial advisor of scientific papers ( Practical Implantology Paper, DGOI Oral Implantology, Digital Implantology, Germany ) Her domain expertise is in the fields of clinical research,advanced techniques of digital workflows in complex implant cases. soft & hard tissue augmentation, aesthetics and function in complex implant cases She is author of various scientific papers and book chapters, ( Esthetics in Dentistry /Implant Esthetics )covering the area of implantology, grafting esthetics and dental surgery.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 11:30 - 12:30
Podium discussion
Friday, 11.01.2019, 16:40 - 17:00
The future is today: integrating the digital era in the daily office
Dr. Henrike März
Markt Rettenbach, Germany
1. Okt. 1995-11. Dez. 2000: Studium der Ernährungswissenschaften an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena.
1. Nov. 2000-31. Aug. 2009: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Universitätsklinikum Jena im Forschungslabor der Konservierenden Zahnheilkunde.
1. Feb. 2001-4. Okt. 2005: Promotionsstudium an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena.
1. Nov. 2005-30. Sep. 2009: Dozentin für die Ausbildung von Diätassistenten/-innen im Deutschen Erwachsenen Bildungswerk in Weimar.
21. Dez. 2009-31. Dez. 2012: Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin an der Ländlichen Heimvolkshochschule in Donndorf.
Seit 1. Jan. 2013: Freie Fachautorin für Ernährung, Gesundheit und Natur.
Zahlreiche Krankheiten basieren auf chronischen Entzündungsreaktionen. Mit der richtigen Ernährung können einerseits entzündliche Prozesse gehemmt und andererseits die Regenerationsfähigkeit des Gewebes gestärkt werden. Im Workshop wird vermittelt, welche Ernährungsfaktoren dabei eine Rolle spielen und wie die Ernährung einfach im Alltag umgesetzt werden kann.
Thomas Malik
Allershausen, Germany
1997-2000: Außendienstmitarbeiter (Pharm Allergan, Ettlingen). 2000-2001: Außendienstmitarbeiter (Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Norderstedt). 2001-2003: Key Account Manager (Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Norderstedt). 2003-2004: Regional Sales Manager (Philips Oral Healthcare, Hamburg). 2003-2006: National Sales Force Trainer (Zusatzfunktion) (Philips Oral Healthcare, Hamburg). 2004-2006: National Sales Manager (int.) (Philips Oral Healthcare, Hamburg). 2006: Selbständiger Berater, Trainer, Referent im Gesundheitswesen (Geschäftsführer, Malik Consulting Group GmbH) Qualifizierungen: - Qualifizierter Partner des TÜV Süd - Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragter - Interner Auditor ISO 9001, ISO 13485, EN 15224 - Entwicklung von eig. QM-Systemen ISO 9001, ISO 13485, EN 15224 - Zertifizierter Hygienebeauftragter nach RKI - Zertifizierter Datenschutzbeauftragter (TÜV) - Geprüfter Medizinprodukteberater - NLP Practitioner - Zertifizierter, lizensierter DiSG Trainer.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 11:00 - 12:30
WS 8 | DSGVO für Zahnärzte
Dr. Siegfried Marquardt
Tegernsee, Germany
Dr. Siegfried Marquardt graduated at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. He was a two-year assistant of Prof. Peter Fuchs, Munich and a post graduate student in Turku (Finland), Boston and Houston (USA). He has been in private practice for 22 years in Tegernsee, Germany, specializing in implantology, perioprosthetics, esthetic & functional dentistry and sport dentistry. Dr. Marquardt is founder and CEO of the Z.a.T. Fortbildungs GmbH, which organizes and promotes international dental symposia and practical courses. In 2001, he was certified as the first specialist for aesthetic dentistry in Germany by the German Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and was certified as a specialist for implantology by the European Dental Association (EDA, BDIZ-EDI). Dr. Marquardt lectures internationally and has published articles in the area of aesthetic & functional dentistry and implantology. He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), as well as numerous other national and international specialist associations. He has a professorship at the German Academy of Practice and Sciences (DGZMK, APW) and lecturer of the postgraduate Masterprogram of the DGZMK/DGÄZ/APW. Dr. Marquardt was the Vice President of the German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry from 2001 - 2015 and was the Conference President of the IFED World-Meeting 2013 in Munich. He was the Conference President of the 11th international Conference of the German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry "America meets Europe" in 2016. Dr. Marquardt is a member of the Seattle Study Club (USA) and founder and Director of the SSC Tegernsee. Since 2015 he is the Team Dentist of the German Skicross Nationalteam and was the Chief Dental Advisor of the Skicross Worldcup in 2015 and 2016 in Germany. He take care of individual professional sport athlete and is the dental cooperation partner of the German Ski Association (DSV). Since 2018 he is a board member of the German Academy of Sport Dentistry (DGSZM). Since July 2018 he is a certified Teamdentist of the DGSZM.
Vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle beeinflusst das Kauorgan die absteigende Muskulatur und physiologische Bewegungsabläufe. Bei der zahnärztlichen Funktionsanalyse und -therapie beachten wir die orthopädischen Zusammenhänge und arbeiten bereits mit Physiotherapeuten, Osteopathen und Orthopäden eng zusammen. Warum aber kommt es immer wieder vor, dass die Schienentherapie trotz interdisziplinärer Kooperation wenig Verbesserung erreicht und Patienten sich nicht immer wohl fühlen. Und warum gibt es Leistungssportler, die ihren Mundschutz und ihre Performanceschiene nicht mehr aus der Hand geben und andere sich damit eher gehandicapt fühlen?
Die Antwort liegt in der richtigen Analyse von aufsteigender und absteigender Kette des Bewegungsapparates und vor allem in der realen Übertragung von Ober- und Unterkiefer in das Medium, indem die Schienen hergestellt werden. Der Kurzvortrag zeigt genau diese Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen auf den Leistungs- und Breitensportler auf und erläutert, wie der reale Transfer und Registratur von Ober- und Unterkiefer einfach gelingen kann. Zudem werden erste Studienergebnisse die Relevanz auf den Spitzensport darstellen.
Modern implantology is becoming established as a routine treatment in daily practice. Also full ceramic restorations are a matter of course in modern dentistry. There is an allegedly high degree of predictability and patients enter our practices with high expectations. However, despite the progress that has been made in many areas, what is often overlooked is the fact that implantology and high level restorations has not got any easier: the problems now lie elsewhere.
The lecture will show the successful application of structured treatment planning, how to integrate the latest advances in implantology on the one hand and full ceramic restorations on the other hand into daily practice and how to solve even complex challenges by consistent involvement of functional aspects.
Prof. Dr. Bart Van Meerbeek
Leuven, Belgium
BART VAN MEERBEEK obtained his DDS (1988) and PhD (1993) at KU Leuven. In 2005, he became Full Professor and teaches Biomaterial Sciences since 1995. His primary research interest involves studies related to the adhesion of restorative materials to tooth tissue and more recently also on dental zirconia, remineralization and pulp-capping. He is head of the BIOMAT research group at KU Leuven. His research work has been published in more than 400 international peer-reviewed journals and has been honoured with awards such as the Award in Biomedical Sciences of the Research Council of KU Leuven (1998), IADR Young Research Award (2000), 2014 IADR/AADR William J. Gies Award and IADR Wilmer Souder Award (2015). In 2003, he became holder of the Toshio Nakao Chair for Adhesive Dentistry. He was President of the Pan-European Federation of IADR (2006-2007) and is currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer of CED-IADR. Since 2004, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Adhesive Dentistry.
This lecture aims to provide an update on modern adhesive technology to directly restore teeth. The current state of the art regarding dental adhesive technology and their adhesion performance to enamel/dentin will be presented. Composites can be bonded according to an 'etch-and-rinse' or 'self-etch' bonding protocol. Enamel requires phosphoric acid for durable adhesion, while phosphoric acid onto dentin is today less preferred. Self-etch adhesives make use of chemical interaction and nano-technology. This lecture provides a full update on dental adhesives from molecular-level interaction at the adhesive-tooth interface to laboratory and clinical performance, with a clear practice-oriented message how to bond most durably to enamel and dentin.
Dr. Kathleen Menzel
Hamburg, Germany
2011: Graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Leipzig, Germany
2017: Doctoral Degree, University of Hamburg, Germany
2016: Board Member of Dentista e.V.
Employed dentist in Hamburg, Germany
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:00 - 18:00
Podium discussion
Helen Möhrke
Berlin, Germany
Helen Möhrke ist freie Referentin für zahnärztliche Abrechnung und Praxisorganisation und seit 1995 deutschlandweit tätig, u.a. für verschiedene Zahnärztekammern. Seit vielen Jahren ist sie auch Mitglied im Trainerinnenteam der DAISY-Akademie + Verlags GmbH und Gast bei verschiedenen Kongressen und Veranstaltungen für alle Mitglieder des Praxisteams.. Sie ist gelernte Zahnarzthelferin und hat sich, nach Ihrer Grundausbildung, relativ schnell auf Verwaltung und die dazu gehörende Abrechnung in der Zahnarztpraxis spezialisiert. Zusätzlich zur Tätigkeit in verschiedenen Praxen, davon mehr als 20 Jahre als Praxismanagerin, erwarb sie ergänzende Berufserfahrung als Bürokraft im Dentallabor und Abrechnungsprüferin der Kassenzahnärztlichen Vereinigung Berlin. Daneben war sie jahrelang Prüferin im Prüfungsausschuss für Zahnarzthelferinnen und Verwaltungshelferinnen. Sie ist Mitglied der Prüfungskommission der Landeszahnärztekammer Sachsen für Zahnmedizinische Verwaltungsassistentinnen. Die persönlichen Erfahrungen fließen in Ihre Seminare mit ein und gewährleisten, dass nur praxisrelevante und auf Praxistauglichkeit überprüfte Lösungsvorschläge präsentiert werden.
Wenn eine Interimsversorgung für einen Patienten ansteht, ist die abrechnende Mitarbeiterin meist in höchster Alarmbereitschaft. Insbesondere dann, wenn es sich um einen Kassenpatienten handelt. Hier gibt es einiges zu bedenken, damit die Planung glatt durch das Genehmigungsverfahren der Krankenkasse geht. Theoretisch ist das ja alles kein Problem, eine Interimsversorgung ist durchaus auch bei Kassenpatienten vorgesehen - aber praktisch?
Wir wollen im Workshop die Planung konzentriert angehen und werden zunächst die Eckdaten in den Richtlinien sichern. Eine richtliniengerechte Planung sichert den Abrechnungserfolg! Wir wollen auch die Frage klären, wann man von Interims- wann man von Immediatersatz spricht, was das für Konsequenzen hat und ob eine geplante Implantation einen Festzuschuss für eine Interimsversorgung ausschließt.
Dann geht es über die Befundklasse 5 zum Honorar in BEMA und GOZ. Herausnehmbare oder festsitzende Lösungen wollen abgerechnet werden. Selbstverständlich schauen wir dabei auch auf den privat versicherten Patienten.
Zum Schluss wollen wir noch ein ganz heißes Eisen anfassen und klären, ob man einen Interimsersatz reparieren, unterfüttern oder gar erweitern kann. Ziel des Workshops ist es, künftig zwar mit Konzentration, aber deutlich mehr Gelassenheit an die Planung von Interimsversorgungen heran gehen zu können.
Dr. Kotaro Nakata DDS
Kyoto, Japan
1984-1990: Kyushu Dental University,Fukuoka Japan (D.D.S). Since 1994: Rakushikai Healthcare Corporation Chief Exective. Since 2013: Board Certified Specialist/Instructor of Japan Association of Microscopic Dentistry. Since 2014: Board Certified Specialist of Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology. Since 2016: Editor in PRD (Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry) YEAR BOOK, Quintessence, Tokyo, Japan. Since 2017: ITI (International Team for Implantology)Fellow.
The pursuit of aesthetics in implant treatment catches the hearts of many implant logistics and doesn't hand away. The reason is that when many factors correlate with each other, even if one part of them is missing, the result is greatly affected. And there is a difficulty to reach the ideal goal. Particularly in aesthetically important parts, as shown by the concept of "Esthetic Triangle" by Zetu, Wang et al. (2005), we will preserve hard and soft tissues as much as possible and also develop hard tissues and soft tissues at necessary sites . In addition, by applying advanced prosthetic technology, the aesthetics in implant treatment are achieved for the first time. Exactly including functions of soft tissues • Recovery and
acquisition of esthetics are becoming more required. In recent trends, we will examine biomaterials and new surgical procedures used for soft tissue formation for improving the aesthetics of implants.
Marc L. Nevins D.M.D., M.M.Sc., P.C.
Bosten, United States of America
Friday, 11.01.2019, 12:45 - 13:00
This presentation will provide an update on minimally invasive esthetic implant surgery. The use of growth factors such a biotechnology-engineered Platelet-Derived Growth Factor has improved the ability to regenerate bone with less invasive procedures. Novel implant designs are improving our ability to load implants at the time of surgery. A novel system will be presented including a one-year immediate loading study. The indications and contraindications for immediate loading will be presented.
1. Understand minimally invasive grafting with growth factors
2. Learn various options for techniques and timing of soft tissue grafting in the esthetic zone.
3. Understand how novel implant designs can improve the predictability of immediate loading protocols.
Dr. Masayuki Okawa
Tokyo, Japan
1962: Born in Iwate. 1987: Graduated Tohoku Dental University of Dentistry. 2001: Open and maintain Clinic in Tokyo, Japan. 6. Juli 2017: Tokyo SJCD: Vice Chairman of the Board Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry(USA): Board Member Ohu University Faculty of Dentistry Alumni Association Academic department Director Japan Academy of Esthetic Dentistry: Certified Dentist Japan Academy of Gnathlogy And Occlusion: Certified Dentist EAED AFFILIATE.
Lately, favorable results are seen in many esthetic & functional rehabilitation cases with minimally invasive techniques.
The future prospective of minimally invasive full-mouth rehabilitation adapting digital approach would require the following clinical discussions:
1) What would be key points in the clinical work-flow to maintain high predictability when the digital technology replaces the traditional restoration work?
2) What will be the appropriate material selection guidance to all relevant materials between the traditional and Digital restorative works?
3) What would be key for the provisional restoration of In-direct Bonded Restorations which does not suppose retention and resistance factors?
The speaker wishes to explain all of the above through his clinical cases.
Rebecca Otto
Jena, Germany
Since January, 2009 own practice for pediatric dentistry in Jena - 2006-2008 employed at the specialized pediatric dentist practice Dr. Roloff und Quick-Arntz in Hamburg - 2004-2006 employed at a general practice in Thuringia / Germany - Studies of dentistry in Göttingen - Referee in Germany about pediatric dentistry, sedation and praxis organisation - Board member of the LZÄK in Thuringia - Member: AAPD, EAPD, DGZMK, Bukiz.
Monday morning, you are at 8 o'clock in the morning in your practice, two employees have reported sick and there are already the first pain patients in the waiting room. The first patients need a lot of attention and you are mercilessly behind schedule. Your e-mail inbox is full of emails that you have to edit in a timely manner and at 10 o'clock calls the Kita and tells that your child has a fever and must be picked up. Every day there are such challenges that need to be mastered. How is it possible to handle this hullabaloo? How do I stay resilient? and what all this has to do with a children's animated film, you can hear it in my presentation.
Mark Stephen Pace
Ispringen, Germany
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:40 - 15:10
Dr. Shanon Patel
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BDS, MSc, MClinDent, MRD, PhD, FDS, FHEA;
Consultant Endodontist / Senior Lecturer;
I divide my time between working in a large multi-disciplinary specialist practice in central London, and teaching future Specialist Endodontists in the Postgraduate Unit at Kings' College London Dental Institute (KCL).
My PhD thesis assessed the use of CBCT in the management of Endodontic problems. I am actively involved in research, and have co-supervised over 40 Masters and PhD students. My primary research interests reflect some of the interesting challenges I face in everyday clinical practice and include survival of teeth, managing dental trauma, and the use of CBCT in Endodontics.
I have been the lead author of National and European (ESE) guidelines on dental imaging in Endodontics.
In addition, I have published over 70 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and co-edited 4 textbooks; which have been translated into 5 languages.
One of the most important stages in diagnosis and management of endodontic problems is radiographic examination. However, conventional radiographic techniques have certain limitations. This lecture will review these limitations, and how cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology can be applied to overcome some of the shortcomings of conventional radiography to improve the management of complex endodontic problems.
Karin Probst
Neu-Ulm, Germany
In diesem humorvollen Seminar erfahren Sie alltagstaugliche und wirksame Strategien,
• wie man in diesen hektischen Zeiten bei sich bleiben kann
• wie man Abgrenzungskompetenz, Genuss und Faulheit als Schutzfaktoren einsetzt und resilient bleibt
• wie man besser abschalten und gut durchschlafen kann
• wie man Burnout als eine Kompetenz verstehen kann - und wie man erschöpften Seelen begegnet.
Ein Überblick über evolutionäre, neuronale und biochemische Zusammenhänge hilft dabei, den Ausstieg aus der Stress-Spirale zu finden und gelassen zu bleiben.
Im Anschluss erhalten Sie ein 28 tägiges Übungsprogramm, zahlreiche Übungen als mp3 oder Video und ein informatives Handout zur Begleitung auf dem Weg in die ruhige Wirksamkeit.
Karin Probst hat vor vielen Jahren das KompetenzNetz Burnout gegründet und begleitet seit 20 Jahren Menschen dabei, das Zwickmühlenmanagement von Beruf, Familie und Selbstfürsorge achtsam zu meistern.
Dr. Domenico Ricucci
Cetraro, Italy
1982: Degree in General Medicine (MD). 1985: Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS). Since 1985: He has published 95 papers and has lectured both nationally and internationally. Since 1998: Own histology laboratory. 1999-2005: Member of the Research Committee of the European Society of Endodontology. 2002-2003: Professor of Cariology at "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro, Italy. 2007: He has authored the Textbook and Atlas "Patologia e Clinica Endodontica". Since 2008: He has authored or co-authored fourteen book chapters. 2013: He has co-authored the textbook and atlas "Endodontology. An integrated biological and clinical view".
After a brief overview of tissue response to deep caries, the histological events that can be observed when pulp is penetrated by bacteria will be described. Necrosis and bacteria are initially confined to the pulp chamber, but soon pulp degeneration process extends beyond root canal orifices and moves slowly in apical direction. Early inflammatory changes can be observed in the periapical tissue. When lateral canals are present, they show reactions of varying severity, up to necrosis. In time necrosis/infection involve the apical pulp and bacteria may extend beyond the root canal limits. Tissue biopsies from failed cases demonstrate how infection from the apical root canal walls or from complex anatomic intricacies can hardly be controlled through conventional treatment procedures.
Katrin Rinke
Karlstein am Main, Germany
Katrin Rinke, Jahrgang 1966, arbeitet seit 1993 als Coach, ihre Vorträge und Workshops zu Kommunikation, Service, Marketing und Personalmanagement geben neue Impulse, rufen Bekanntes in Erinnerung und wecken die Neugier auf ein noch erfolgreicheres Miteinander von Team und Patienten. Katrin Rinke motiviert und regt zum Nachdenken an. Dabei hat sie keine Scheu, auch mal den Finger in die Wunde zu legen, weil sie aus ihrer langjährigen Berufserfahrung weiß, dass es manchmal einfach ein bisschen wehtun muss, bevor es gut wird - wie das beim Zahnarzt eben so ist.
Katrin Rinke hat 2 Bücher und mehr als 100 Fachpublikationen geschrieben. Seit Januar 2006 gehört sie dem Redaktionsbeirat des im Quintessenz-Verlag erscheinenden "Team-Journals" an.
Neben ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit arbeitet sie ehrenamtlich als 1. Vorsitzende des Vereins "Wieder Lachen e.V.". Dieser Verein hilft Frauen, die Opfer häuslicher Gewalt wurden, ihre Lebensqualität zurückzugewinnen.
Geliked, geteilt, gestalkt, gelöscht!
Ein Blick in die Timeline zeigt jede Menge neuer Posts und Tweets. Willkommen in der Welt der bunten Bilder und Hashtags. Willkommen im interessanten Leben der Anderen, mit nerviger Werbung, verblüffendem Narzissmus und dem Heischen nach Aufmerksamkeit um jeden Preis.
Der Grat zwischen dem Teilen und Tauschen von Informationen und zu tiefen Einblicken in die Privatsphäre ist schmal. Dieser Workshop gibt Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen:
• Welche sozialen Medien eignen sich für welche Zielgruppen und welche Zwecke?
• Wie können Posts und Tweets ein PR-Konzept sinnvoll ergänzen?
• Wie plant und pflegt man den Auftritt im Internet?
• Wie erzielt man den größtmöglichen Effekt ohne allzu großen Aufwand?
• Welche Fallstricke gibt es und wie kann man sie umgehen?
Geliked, geteilt, gestalkt, gelöscht!
Ein Blick in die Timeline zeigt jede Menge neuer Posts und Tweets. Willkommen in der Welt der bunten Bilder und Hashtags. Willkommen im interessanten Leben der Anderen, mit nerviger Werbung, verblüffendem Narzissmus und dem Heischen nach Aufmerksamkeit um jeden Preis.
Der Grat zwischen dem Teilen und Tauschen von Informationen und zu tiefen Einblicken in die Privatsphäre ist schmal. Dieser Workshop gibt Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen:
• Welche sozialen Medien eignen sich für welche Zielgruppen und welche Zwecke?
• Wie können Posts und Tweets ein PR-Konzept sinnvoll ergänzen?
• Wie plant und pflegt man den Auftritt im Internet?
• Wie erzielt man den größtmöglichen Effekt ohne allzu großen Aufwand?
• Welche Fallstricke gibt es und wie kann man sie umgehen?
Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer
Geneve, Switzerland
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:00 - 14:45
Management of white and pink esthetics: an interdisciplinary approach
Prof. Dr. Edgar Schäfer
Münster, Germany
2006: Call as chair of the Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology at the University of Leipzig. Since 2007: Managing Editor-in-Chief of "ENDO-Endodontic Practice Today". Since 2008: Head of the Central Interdisciplinary Ambulance in the School of Dentistry, University of Münster, Germany. Since 2011: Executive board member of the German Association of Endodontology and dental Traumatology (DGET). Since 2012: Associate Editor "Odontology". 2014-2016: President of the German Association of Operative Dentistry (DGZ).
Friday, 11.01.2019, 12:45 - 13:00
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:00 - 17:45
Medically compromised patients: Clinical cases
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 12:45 - 13:00
Ralf Schäfermeier
Leipzig, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 16:45 - 17:05
Automatic image annotation as the basis for dental decision support
Jan Schellenberger
Hamburg, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 16:15 - 16:45
AI in Practice Management and Billing
Dr. Tom Schloss M.Sc.
Nürnberg, Germany
Dr. Tom Schloss graduated from the Dental School of the University of Timisoara (RO) in 1998. 1999: dental licensure for Germany. 2002-2004: Curriculum and Certificate for Endodontics by the DGZ/APW (German Society of Dentistry/Academy of Practice and Science). 2008: International Program in Endodontics, Department of Endodonitcs, University of Pennsylvania. In 2012 Dr. Schloss was appointed Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Department of Endodonitcs, University of Pennsylvania. 2014: Master of Science in Endodontology degree by the Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf. 2018: Journal of Endodontics Award for the best article published in JOE during the 2017 calendar year in the category of Clinical Research and "Endodontie-Hochschulpreis".
He lectures internationally and nationally, including the Masters Curriculum of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf and has limited his private practice in Nuremberg, Germany to Microendodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery since 2004.
Few dental techniques have been substantially transformed during the last two decades as has endodontic surgery. Apical microsurgery is the most recent step in the evolution of periradicular surgery, applying not only modern ultrasonic preparation and more biocompatible filling materials but also incorporating microsurgical instruments, highpower magnification and illumination. Many studies have been published that demonstrate the superiority of modern approaches over traditional techniques.
However, it has to be stressed that for endodontic surgery, a successful outcome, together with a good long-term prognosis, depends on a sound case selection. The present lecture will show contemporary microsurgical techniques and how they can successfully be incorporated in daily specialists routine.
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Schmalz
Regensburg, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 12:15 - 12:45
Standards in Dentistry: Do we need them for AI?
Prof. Devorah Schwartz-Arad
Tel-Aviv, Israel
A specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), Ph.D. degree in cancer research, anatomy and embryology. Graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Hebrew University and was a senior lecturer in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University until 2008. Since 2016 Dr. Schwartz-Arad is a Research Professor of the "Pharmacological Research in Dentistry Group" at the Faculty of Dentistry, State University of Granada (Spain) and Visiting Professor, UCAM, Universidad Catolica De Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Dr. Schwartz- Arad is the author of 78 scientific papers and 5 chapters focusing on immediate dental implantation, bone augmentation procedures for dental implants, the influence of smoking on the success of dental implants and more. Dr. Schwartz-Arad presented more than 100 papers in scientific meetings and she is a renowned national and international lecturer. She is the author and editor of the books "Ridge preservation & immediate implantation" and "Esthetics in Dentistry" published by Quintessence. Dr. Schwartz-Arad is the Founder and President of "Conflict and Dialogue" study club and she is heading the Schwartz-Arad Continuing Education center. Dr. Schwartz-Arad is the owner and senior Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon of Schwartz-Arad Day-Care Surgical Center.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 10:50 - 11:10
Why failure is a key to success
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:45 - 18:00
Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz
Frankfurt, Germany
Frank Schwarz has a postgraduate degree in Oral Surgery and is Professor and Head of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Clinical Oral Implants Research. He is the President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), a Board Member of the Osteology Foundation and was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.
The management of infectious diseases affecting osseointegrated implants in function has become a demanding issue in implant dentistry. While nonsurgical therapy was effective in the treatment of mucositis lesions, for peri-implantitis, mechanical debridement alone has shown limited efficacy. Adjunctive measures may be effective in arresting disease progression at initial sites, however, moderate to advanced peri-implantitis lesions commonly require a more demanding surgical intervention. The presentation will address the commonly proposed surgical procedures and elucidate their potential indications based on proposed prognostic factors.
Dr. Thomas A. Schwenk
Studium 1985 - 1990 Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen.
Mitinhaber der Praxis edel&weiss, Nürnberg.
2004 Zertifizierung zum Spezialisten für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (DGÄZ). Mitglied des Lehrkörpers der Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft der DGZMK. Seit 1998 über 300 nationale und internationale Vorträge und Hands-on Kurse zu den Themen Funktion, Rekonstruktion und ästhetische Zahnheilkunde. 2010-2015 wissenschaftlicher Kongressleiter des Zahnärztekongresses des Freien Verbandes Deutscher Zahnärzte in Davos. Mitglied in zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Gesellschaften. Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sportzahnmedizin DGSZM e.V.
In dieser Einführung wird neben der Geschichte der Sportzahnmedizin auch erklärt, was Sportzahnmedizin so anders macht und warum es dringend erforderlich ist mehr Sportzahnmediziner auszubilden.
Es wird dargestellt in welchen Bereichen der Zahnmediziner speziell geschult werden muss um für Leistungssportler eine echte Unterstützung darzustellen zu können. So ist beispielsweise in der Traumatologie oder beim Thema Doping der durchschnittliche Wissensstand der deutschen Zahnmediziner erschreckend schwach.
Als Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sportzahnmedizin informiert Dr. Schwenk über die Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und den Stand der Sportzahnmedizin in Deutschland. Er berichtet über die Erfolgsgeschichte der DGSZM und stellt die Kooperationen und Ziele der DGSZM dar.
Prof. Dr. Anton Sculean
Bern, Switzerland
Professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology and Executive Director of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Berne, Switzerland.
Research awards: Anthony Rizzo Young Investigator Award of the Periodontal Research Group (PRG) of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), the IADR/PRG Award in Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, Distinguished Teacher Award of the European Orthodontic Society.
Member on the editorial board or Editor of more than 14 dental journals.
Past president of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR
Past president of the Swiss Society of Periodontology
President of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)
President Elect of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP)
Friday, 11.01.2019, 10:30 - 10:45
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:15 - 17:45
Recession coverage in challenging clinical situations
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:45 - 18:00
Prof. Dr. Luc W.M. van der Sluis
Prof. dr. L.W.M. (LUC) van der Sluis graduated in 1985, completed the postgraduate endodontic program in 1993 under guidance of prof. dr. P.R. Wesselink and received his PhD degree in 2007 under supervision of prof. dr. P.R. Wesselink and dr. M-K. Wu at ACTA, the Netherlands. Since 1993 Luc worked in a practice limited to Endodontics and held a position in research and teaching until 2010 at the Department of Cariology, Endodontology and Pedodontology at ACTA. From 2010 until 2012, Luc worked as professor at the University of Toulouse (France). Actually Luc is head of the Center for Dentistry and Oral Health at the University Medical Center of Groningen in the Netherlands and researcher at the Kolff Institute (University of Groningen). The current focus of his research is the prevention of apical periodontitis, disinfection of the carious lesion and root canal system, which he systematically investigates with specialists in biofilm research, fluid dynamics and (sono) chemistry.
Apical periodontitis is caused by an inflammatory reaction of the host to the presence of bacteria (planktonic state or biofilm) and their products which are close to, in or outside the root canal. Treating an infected pulp, root canal irrigation aims at removal or inactivation of the biofilm. Activation of the irrigant during the irrigation procedure can enhance the efficacy of the irrigant and the procedure.
Treating an irreversible pulpitis by partial/full pulpotomy or pulpectomy, other goals are set for the irrigation procedure.
One of the problems in dentistry is that we lack clinical evidence for most of our procedures.
This lecture will explain the activation possibilities, available at the moment, for treatment of vital or infected pulps and its proven clinical relevance.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernd Stadlinger
Zürich, Switzerland
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 11:25 - 11:45
Demand and Potential for AI in Diagnostic, Planning and Treatment
Athanasios Stamos DDS
Athen, Greece
- Cosmetic, Laser, Sports Dentistry Athens
- European Association for Sports Dentistry (EA4SD) co-founder, Vice President, Development and International Committee Chair
- European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP) Scientific Contributor, Sports Dentistry Committee Chair
- World Dental Federation (FDI) Sports Dentistry Committee
Dr. Thanos Stamos maintains a private dentistry practice in Kifisia, Athens, Greece, focusing in Cosmetic, Laser and Sports Dentistry including prevention, treatments and research in Greece and Europe as well as publications (British Journal of Sports Medicine BJSM). Lecturer in international sports dentistry and medicine conferences (FIMS, Isokinetic Barcelona, ASD San Francisco, ECOSEP Dubai). Consultant Sports Dentist in professional football teams in Greece and a referent dentist of Superleague football team Atromitos FC (Athens, Greece). Organizing sports dentistry screening oriented projects in Europe and Asia. Co-author of the World Dental Federation (FDI) Sports Dentistry Toolkit. He works on the prevention and dental screening programs mainly on football teams and on the dental treatments of professional elite football players participating in competitions such as the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA Champions League.
The stomatognathic system plays an important role in both microbial and functional level
interacting directly with the exercising body. In football, elite players submitted to dental screening and treatments provide us a clear picture of how the oral health is having a direct impact on performance, injury risk, myoskeletal system injuries prognosis and return-to-play. Combining the scientific evidence regarding the stomatognathic system impact on posture and gait, consulting closely with football teams sports physicians and customizing dental treatments, we now have a specific approach on how to deal with elite football players oral health management in respect to their daily exercising routine, games and tournaments duties and their overall well-being.
Dr. MSc Ana Stevanovic
Luzern, Switzerland
Ana Stevanovic is a dentist, born in Serbia. She finished dental school in Serbia and was (during her student time) active as the President of European Dental Students Association and held numerous other positions. After spending few years in dental office, she got a scholarship to finish her Masters in healthcare management, economics and policy (MIHMEP) in SDA Bocconi in Milan, Italy, after which she moved to the industry world and is currently Head of Professional Education in dental company Curaden in Switzerland (famous with the brand CURAPROX). She is also a certified consultant with Proctor Gallagher Institute, coaching personal and business development to individuals and groups.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 13:50 - 14:10
Stayin' alive - survival guide for women in the dental business
Soft tissue augmentation around implants prosthesis placed in the esthetic zone is the mandatory requirement. And this represents that both implant positioning and its restoration in the esthetic zone will become very challenging field for dental clinicians.
In reality, one of the major complaints to those cases was related to the change in the appearance of restorations caused by peri-implant gingival recessions. Through the author's clinical experiences of having favorable prognosis in 10 year follow-up to both root coverage and ridge augmentation procedures using connective tissue graft to those natural teeth cases when working under a microscope, adapting the technique likely to exposed implant abutment surfaces may become a valid alternative to recover it in the aesthetic zone.
This lecture will present clinical cases of micro-surgical peri-implant soft tissue reconstruction for both single and multiple implant cases and discuss the technical solutions to each cases.
Clinical professor of Nihon University,
President-Elect of ICOI International Congress of Oral Implantologists,
Former adjunct Professor of University of Southern California,
Board of Regent of ADI Academy of Dentistry International,
Honorary Professor of Yantai Stomatological Hospital China,
President of Ebina Dental Association,
CEO of Lion Medical Corporation
Japan is involved with Super aging society now. Immediate loading procedure is very critical for us because of life expectancy. life expectancy of a 90-year-old man is 4 years. If you treat it over two years, half of patient life will be used. Normally BIC is 55%, but after Photofunctionalization BIC increase to 98%. using this is very effective. Ultimate goal is to improve body composition. Prof. Iijima conducted tracking survey for 2044 in Kashiwa for 3 years it indicated when the posterior teeth run out, the body becomes weak. Protein is deficient, became sarcopenia, and became a locomotive syndrome and it turned out to be necessary nursing care. I would like to introduce various things that we can extend the healthy life expectancy and improve quality of life by implant treatment.
Dr. Hiroyuki Takino
Current periodontal therapy and implant treatment have made it possible to restore esthetic and function and to achieve long lasting treatment result. Accordingly, periodontal plastic surgery (PPS) is getting essential. However, PPS not always achieve complete success and consistency of the result is not stable by surgeons.
Therefore, growth factors such as EMD and FGF-2 have attracted recent attention for improvement.
They make up one of the three elements for regeneration of periodontal tissue and can be utilized in PPS to help provide dependable outcomes.
This presentation will substantiate the effectiveness of EMD and FGF-2 by reviewing cases including success and recovery from esthetic failure cases.
Detailed diagnosis of cases, the surgical techniques and choices of regenerative materials will be explained to achieve predictable final treatment outcomes.
Sameh Talaat
Bonn, Germany
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 17:05 - 17:30
Large Scale Dental Visual Assets Recognition and Metadata Generation
Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi
Nagoya, Japan
Dr. Tsukiboshi is a graduate of Osaka University School of Dentistry in 1976. He earned a PhD in dental materials from Kyoto University in 1980 and has been engaged in private practice since 1981. Dr. Tsukiboshi's interest in dental traumatology and autotransplantation has led to extensive clinical involvement, course presentations and publications. Dr. Tsukiboshi has lectured extensively on dental trauma and autotransplantation; he has authored many articles and two textbooks, one on dental trauma in 1998 and one on autotransplantation in 2000. The books have been published in several languages, including English. Dr. Tsukiboshi is is the President of the International Association of Dental Traumatology in 2009 and 2010. Dr. Tsukiboshi is certified as a clinical professor of the dental school of Tohoku University in 2015 to 2018.
Dental trauma is an acute disease involving the hard tissues, the pulp, and or the periodontium, and is more frequently seen in young people. Since infection is seldom associated with traumatized teeth, treatment options can be conservative. In other words, in dental trauma, pulpotomy is preferred over pulpectomy, simple composite restorations over complex prosthetics, and replantation over extraction. The concept of "minimal intervention" should be upheld when treating traumatized teeth. In my presentation, I will be talking about latest minimal interventions for several types of dental trauma.
Number of patients have occlusal problems with or without clinical symptoms. We need to correct mal-occlusion and obtain the harmonized stomatognathic system including temporomandibular joint, perioral muscle, tooth and periodontium to secure favorable oral environment with long-term stability. Recently clinicians tend to consider the occlusal reconstruction is complicated and difficult, because actual patients have multiple etiology such as malalignment, periodontal disease, tooth defect, and with increasing high esthetic demands.
Key points to lead to the successful occlusal reconstruction are to examine and to clearly diagnose the true problems with the stomatognathic system, and to perform effective combination of therapies with the best order. Needless to say, explanation for the patients, selection of therapy and determination of therapy priority are crucial.
I have categorized those etiology into three groups, such as malalignment, periodontal disease, and multiple teeth defect. Then I will explain the characteristics and treatment key points of each category.
Dr. Istvan Urban
Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Urban received his DMD degree and subsequently his MD degree from Semmelweis University School of Medicine and Dentistry (Budapest, Hungary) in 1991 and 1996. He completed a full time program in oral surgery at St. Istvan Hospital in Budapest, Hungary (1992-1996). He completed his internship program in Periodontics at UCLA. After he graduated from the Fellowship Program (1999-2000) in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, he was appointed assistant professor the following year. Dr. Urban teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University. He is licensed in the state of California (USA) and has a private practice in Budapest, Hungary. Dr. Urban received his PhD degree in Periodontlogy in 2012 at the University of Szeged, Hungary. He is currently an honorary professor at the University of Szeged. Dr. Urban is a board member of the Osteology Foundation and has published scientific articles and text book chapers on bone regeneration and soft tissue reconstructive surgery around dental implants.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 15:30 - 15:45
Friday, 11.01.2019, 17:00 - 17:45
Vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation
Dr. MSc MBA Paula Vassallo
Valletta, Malta
Dr. Paula Vassallo received her degree in Dentistry from the University of Malta in 1992 and has been practicing as a dentist since 1993. She also holds a Diploma in Dental Public Health from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, a Master of Science in Dental Public Health from the University College London and an MBA from the Warwick Business School. In 2011 she was elected Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom. Dr. Vassallo is a Consultant in Dental Public Health and is currently the Director of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Malta with the Government of Malta and is actively involved in promoting health in Malta. She is a lecturer and course co-ordinator in Preventive and Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health at the University of Malta. Dr Vassallo is a board member of the European Chief Dental Officers. She is also member of the health research group of the Institute of Small Island States, which is based in Malta. She is Past President of the Council of European Chief Dental Officers and is immediate past Chairperson of the Platform for Better Oral health in Europe. She has also chaired the Working Group of Oral Health in The CED (Council of European Dentists) and was responsible for guiding the development of CED policies related to oral health issues. She has recently been elected as Vice President of the European Association of Dental Public Health.
Friday, 11.01.2019, 09:50 - 10:10
A smile often says it all - The role of female dental practitioners in policy implementation
Prof. Dr. Michael Walter
Dresden, Germany
1975-1980: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der FU Berlin. 1980-1985: Assistent an der Abteilung für klinische Prothetik des Fachbereiches Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der FU Berlin. 1982: Promotion. 1985-1993: Oberarzt an der Abteilung für klinische Prothetik des Fachbereiches Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Freien Universität Berlin. 1991: Habilitation. 1992: Gastaufenthalt am Karolinska-Institut Huddinge / Stockholm. Seit 1994: Universitätsprofessor und Direktor der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik an der TU Dresden. 2003: Gastprofessor an der University of Alberta (Edmonton, Kanada). 2007-2013: Studiendekan Zahnmedizin an der TU Dresden. 2008-2012: Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Prothetische Zahnmedizin und Biomaterialien (DGPro). 2009-2011: Geschäftsführender Direktor des Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde an der TU Dresden. 2013-2016: Präsident elect der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK). Seit 2016 Präsident der DGZMK
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 14:10 - 14:40
Till Sebastian Wipperfürth LL.M.
Thursday, 10.01.2019, 13:00 - 16:00
Apo-Bank | Der Weg in die eigene Praxis
ZTM Siegbert Witkowski
Freiburg, Germany
Since 1988, Mr. Siegbert Witkowski has been working as chief dental technician in the Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital of Freiburg, School of Dentistry (Chair until 2016: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. J.R. Strub, presently Associate Chair: Prof. Dr. R. Kohal). He earned his diploma in Dental Technology from an apprenticeship program in Hannover, Germany. He did postgraduate studies and gained work experience at the following institutions: University of London, Royal Dental Hospital (1983-1984); University of Zürich, School of Dentistry (1984-1986); University of Southern California, School of Dentistry (1986-1988). Mr. Witkowski was certified as a dental technician (CDT) by the National Board of Certification of Dental Laboratory Technology, USA, in 1986. In 1991, he earned the diploma of the German Master Dental Technician from the master school in Freiburg, Germany. Mr. Witkowski was co-editor and -founder of the German journal "Implantologie" [Implantology] (1993-2000). For the monthly journal "Quintessenz der Zahntechnik" [Quintessence Dental Technology] by Quintessence Publishing (Berlin) he was serving as vice editor-in-chief (1997-2000) before being appointed as editor-in-chief (2007). He co-authored several book chapters, a textbook for dental students (1. ed. 1994, 2. ed. 1999, 3. ed. 2004, 4. ed. 2010), a book on implant prosthodontics "Enossale orale Im¬plantologie aus prosthetischer Sicht" [Endosseous implantology from the prosthodontic point of view], published in 1996 by Quintessence and numerous journal articles. In 2001 he was editorial chairman of the "Internationale Zahntechnik Magazin" [International Dental Technology Magazine] published by Flohr Publ., Rottweil. He was a member (2000-2001) of the committee to set up the first program with an engineering degree (Dipl. Ing.) for Dental Technology in Germany. He is a founding member of the European Academy of Dental Technology (EADT, 2010). Mr. Witkowski is an Active Member and Past Secretary of the German Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and a member of several national and international organizations. He was a consultant (2010-2014) to the German "Frauenhofer Research Foundation". The latest project (2018) was the co-editing of a book on dental CAD/CAM technology together with Prof. Dr. W. Att (Tufts University, Bosten, USA) and Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub (Emeritus, Freiburg, Germany) titled "Digital Workflow in Reconstructive Dentistry" published by Quintessence Publishing.
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 15:30 - 15:45
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart
Aachen, Germany
2. Juni 1968: geboren in Kempten im Allgäu. 1990-1995: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Philipps Universität Marburg. 1993: Aufnahme in die Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. 1996: Promotionsstudium an der Universität Marburg. 1997: Assistenzzahnarzt in einer Zahnarztpraxis bei Köln. 1998: Fertigstellung der Promotion zum Thema "Temperaturentstehung im Dentin bei der zahnärztlichen Präparation". Seit Jan. 1998: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Klinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik, Propädeutik und Werkstoffkunde im Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Kiel. Apr. 2000: Ernennung zum Oberarzt. Mai 2001: Ernennung zum "Spezialisten für Prothetik" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Prothetik und Werkstoffkunde. 2006: Abschluss des Curriculums Implantologie (DGI). Mai 2006: Abschluss der Habilitation (Thema: "Evidenzbasierte Beurteilung dentaler Ästhetik zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität"). Okt. 2008: Berufung an die RWTH-Aachen auf die W3-Professur Klinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik und Biomaterialien, Zentrum für Implantologie. Seit Okt. 2008: Direktor der Klinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik und Biomaterialien, Zentrum für Implantologie, an dem Universitätsklinikum Aachen. Seit Nov. 2008: Die zahnärztliche Implantologie und Implantatprothetik gehören bereits seit vielen Jahren zu seinen klinischen Tätigkeitsschwerpunkten. Prof. Wolfarts Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen neben der Implantologie und Implantatprothetik auch im Bereich der dentalen Ästhetik, der klinischen Bewährung neuer vollkeramischer Werkstoffe sowie der damit verbundenen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Er ist zertifizierter Implantologe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Implantologie (DGI) und ITI-Fellow (International Team for Implantology). Sep. 2014: Es erschien sein Buch "Implantatprothetik - Ein patientenorientiertes Konzept" im Quintessenzverlag.
Die moderne Adhäsiv- und Implantatprothetik ermöglicht uns zahnsubstanzschonenden Einzelzahnersatz in der ästhetischen Zone herzustellen. Dabei besitzen beide Versorgungskonzepte spezifische Vorteile. So sind Adhäsivbrücken sowohl bei engstehenden Nachbarzähnen, in die Lücke gekippten Wurzeln der Nachbarzähne als auch bei noch im Wachstum befindlichen Patienten vorteilhaft. Außerdem weisen sie neben der geringeren Invasivität auch eine kürzere Behandlungsdauer auf. Voraussetzungen sind allerdings karies- und füllungsfreie Nachbarzähne, die über eine ausreichende Klebefläche im Schmelz verfügen. Der Vorteil der Implantate liegt in der sehr guten Langzeitbewährung, der besseren biomechanischen Abstützung des Ersatzzahnes und des größeren Indikationsbereiches.
Sylvia Wuttig
Eppelheim, Germany
Sylvia Wuttig, B.A.
Bachelor of Arts (Management von Gesundheitseinrichtungen);
Know-how und Leidenschaft;
Als Gründerin, Geschäftsführerin und alleinige Gesellschafterin der DAISY Akademie + Verlag GmbH sowie Direktorin des DAISY-Instituts schreibt sie seit 1976 Erfolgsgeschichte.
Dentale-Abrechnungs-Informations-SYsteme (DAISY) haben Sylvia Wuttig bundesweites Renommee gebracht. Mehr als 100.000 Zahnärzte und Praxismitarbeiter wurden von ihr im Laufe von über 40 Jahren in allen Bereichen der Abrechnung geschult.
Beratende Tätigkeiten, Vorträge und Seminare u. a. für Zahnärztekammern, Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigungen, IUZ, Schulen, Rechenzentren, Krankenkassen, Industrieunternehmen, Zahntechnische Labors und Software-Firmen gehören ebenfalls zu ihren Aktivitäten. Seit über 10 Jahren ist sie aktives Mitglied der Prüfungskommission der Landeszahnärztekammer Sachsen für die Prüfung zur ZMV. Sie ist Mitglied der German Speakers Association (GSA) und im Bundesverband StrategieForum e. V.
Im Rahmen eines offiziellen Lehrauftrags an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg hat sie bereits in über 10 Studiengängen angehende Zahnärzte im Bereich "Honorierungssysteme" unterrichtet.
An der Europäischen Fachhochschule (vormals praxisHochschule) in Köln ist sie seit 2013 als Dozentin und später als Prüferin für Bachelor-Arbeiten tätig. Als Direktorin des DAISY-Instituts an der praxisHochschule hat sie u. a. in den Studiengängen "Dentalhygiene und Präventionsmanagement (B.Sc.)", "Management von Gesundheitseinrichtungen (B.A.)" und bei der Aufstiegsfortbildung zur "Betriebswirtin für zahnärztliches Abrechnungs- und Praxismanagement" gelehrt.
Ca. 52 % (!) der jungen Erwachsenen sind von einer parodontalen Erkrankung betroffen. Die Therapie-Vielfalt, der Leistungsanspruch in der GKV und die korrekte gebührenrechtliche Übertragung erfordern hohe Professionalität seitens des gesamten Praxisteams. Im Kontext der PAR-Richtlinien spielt die Abgrenzung des Leistungsanspruchs zu den privaten Zusatzleistungen eine besondere Rolle. In der Realität existieren vielfältige Verstöße gegen die PAR-Richtlinien, die von den Krankenkassen durch bundesweite Regresse verstärkt geahndet werden. Nur durch eine vorausschauende Fokussierung auf diese Problematik können derartige unangenehme und kostspielige Honorarrückforderungen vermieden werden.
Prof. Dr. Masao Yamazaki
Tokyo, Japan
Saturday, 12.01.2019, 14:45 - 15:30
Key to success for the long-term maintenance of restorations in digital dentistry
Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD
Kraków, Poland
Dr. Maciej Zarow graduated from Semmelweis University in Budapest in 1995. After a three-year training program he achieved specialization in Operative Dentistry in 1999. In 2002 he defended his PhD and in 2005 he achieved specialization in Endodontics.
He is the Co- author of more than 60 papers published in Polish and international journals. Author of a book edited by Quintessence Publishing: "Endo-Prosthodontics: guidelines for Clinical Practice". Active Member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, European Section International College of Dentists (ICD), European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) and Honorary Member of international community of skilled dental practitioners called "StyleItaliano"
Visiting Professor of University in Chieti (Italy) 2015-2016, lecturing for postgraduate master programs at UIC in Barcelona (2012-2016).
He runs a private dental clinic (since 1999) and postgraduate course centre (since 2003) in Krakow, Poland.
Discoloured anterior teeth can have a very negative effect on a patient's appearance. In the past, a lot of root canal treated teeth were reconstructed using metal posts and crowns. Today, more conservative strategies such as bleaching, fiber posts, composite restoration or minimal invasive porcelain veneers represent an alternative treatment option.
On the other hand, endodontically treated teeth present impaired crown stiffness due to structural loss of hard tissues. Preserving intact coronal and radicular tooth structure, especially maintaining cervical tissue to create a ferrule effect, is considered to be crucial for the optimal biomechanical behaviour of restored teeth.
The presence of ferrule has a positive effect on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.
Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD Matthias Zehnder
Zürich, Switzerland
Matthias Zehnder was born 1969 in St. Gall, Switzerland. He graduated from the University of Bern School of Dental Medicine in 1994, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.) in 1996. Subsequently, he worked in private practice and part-time as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Oral Cell Biology, University of Bern School of Dental Medicine. Between 1998 and 1999, he was employed at the Department of Oral Biology and Periodontology, Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He then took a specialist training in Endodontology at Columbia University, from which he graduated in 2001. In addition, Matt has completed a PhD at Turku University (Finland) in 2005, and has received a Docent title from the University of Zürich in 2007. Currently, he is the tenured head of the Division of Endodontology at the Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zurich. Matt's main research interests are to develop dental biomaterials, diagnose pulpal disease using molecular markers, and to improve approaches to disinfect dental hard tissues. He is a former associate editor of the International Endodontic Journal, current editor-in-chief of the Swiss Dental Journal, and on the editorial board of some other scientific journals.
This lecture will discuss what we need to do to get adequate disinfection of the root canal system with subsequent healing of periapical lesions. The most important aspect in this context are neither new tools nor special disinfectants, but a thorough understanding of the actual case we are treating. It will be shown that not all endodontic cases are equal, and how we can address the more difficult cases by choosing our approach wisely. One core issue is timing. How much time are we prepared to spend on a case, and what is best for our patient? In this context, the effectiveness and compatibility of the means we use to debride and disinfect are key. The other core issue is anatomy. Whilst many clinicians are aware of the macro anatomy of root canal systems, fewer consider micro anatomy.
Prof. Dr. Raquel Zita Gomes
Maia, Portugal
Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002); Post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (2002); Specialization Course in Implantology by FMDUP (2003-2006); Master's Degree in Implantology by FMDUP (MsC) (2006- 2007); PhD Programm in Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2017); Oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD); MINEC active member, opinion leader of Megagen Portugal, KOL of SmileFY, expert on Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube and Dentinaltubules educational platforms; Consultant of Tekscan, Osteobiol and Bredent group; Invited External Teacher at Master and Specialization Course of Oral Rehabilitation (CESPU University, Portugal); Reviewer of CIDRR journal; Private practices in Portugal dedicated exclusively to Implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation. Mentor of professional group Follow the RED; International leader of " Divas in Dentistry" Project ( mentor Dr Delia Tuttle ).
Friday, 11.01.2019, 10:10 - 10:30
Being a woman oral surgeon in a man's world
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli
Bologna, Italy
Doctor in Dentistry Professor of Periodontology Bologna University PHD in Medical Biotechnology applied to Dentistry Active member of Italian Society of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology Member of the Editorial Bord of the European Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry and International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry Member of the International Committee of Regenartion (ICR) Winner of scientific prizes for the research in periodontology in Italy, USA and Europe Authors of more than 100 scientific publications in the fields of Periodontology Co-author of an atlas text book on soft tissue plastic surgery (Ed. Martina) and of the chapter "Mucogingival therapy - periodontal plastic surgery" in the Jan Lindhe text-book "Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry", 5th edition - (Ed. Wiley-Blackwell) Author of a book on esthetic mucogingival surgery (Ed. Quintessence).
New knowledge in soft tissue surgical management permits to achieve esthetic coverage in gingival recession with minimally invasive connective tissue grafts. A novel application of connective tissue graft can improve both esthetics and regenerative parameters in Miller class IV gingival recessions and vertical bony defects in the esthetic area. The recession of the buccal soft tissue margin is a frequent complication of well integrated dental implants. The appearance of metallic structure or even their transparency through the thin buccal soft tissues are common reasons for patient aesthetic complains. Soft tissue plastic surgical procedures and bilaminar techniques in particular, can be successfully used in combination with a pre and postsurgical prostethic approaches to increase the volume of the interdental soft tissue, to treat buccal gingival recessions and soft tissue dehiscence around dental implants and to provide the new implant supported crown with an esthetic transmucosal emergency profile.
Dr. Otto Zuhr
München, Germany
1986-1992: Otto Zuhr studied dentistry at the University of Aachen. 2007-2014: He was board member of the German Society of Periodontology (DGParo) and he's presently holding an associate professorship position at the Department of Periodontology of the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany (Director: Prof. Peter Eickholz). 2012: His book "Plastic Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery" was published by Quintessence. 2018: He is board-certified specialist in Periodontology of the German Society of Periodontology (DGParo) and runs a private office together with Marc Hürzeler in Munich, Germany dedicated to periodontology and implant dentistry. With more than 25 years of clinical experience and teaching practice, Dr. Zuhr has become a proven expert in his field well beyond the European borders. Otto Zuhr has written several refereed scientific articles in the field of periodontology and implant dentistry. His research activities are focused on oral soft tissue wound healing and oral soft tissue reconstruction.
Operative Eingriffe im ästhetischen Bereich zählen in der rekonstruktiven Parodontal- und Implantatchirurgie zu den anspruchsvollsten Behandlungsformen. In der Regel besteht dabei das zentrale Bestreben in der Erzielung einer narbenfreien, primären Wundheilung bei gleichzeitiger Schaffung einer ästhetischen und möglichst natürlich wirkenden Weichgewebskontur. Eine präzise Planung von der initialen Schnittführung über die Entnahmetechnik des geeigneten Weichgewebstransplantates bis hin zum finalen Wundverschluss ist essenziell für ein erfolgreiches Behandlungsergebnis. Die Bewertung des Behandlungsresultates hängt dabei jedoch auch stärker denn je von der Beurteilung durch die Patienten ab. Dieser Vortrag soll heilungsrelevante Grundlagen, operative Ansätze sowie Chancen und Risiken behandlungstechnischer Aspekte beleuchten. Darüber hinaus sollen für die Langzeitprognose relevante Faktoren kritisch diskutiert werden, um Hilfestellungen für den persönlichen klinischen Alltag zu geben.
Bettina Zydatiß
Berlin, Germany
Bettina Zydatiß hat eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien. Seit 2003 berät sie freiberuflich als »Berliner Begabten-Beratung« Familien mit hochbegabten Kindern sowie deren Lehrer/-innen und Erzieher/-innen. Seit 2010 befasst sie sich darüber hinaus mit der Frage der Kommunikation in allen Lebensbereichen. In Kursen für Eltern und Lehrer/-innen und Manager vermittelt sie das Konzept von Thomas Gordon, das auf den Einsatz von Macht verzichtet und darauf vertraut, dass in Konflikten Lösungen gefunden werden können, bei denen alle gewinnen und sich niemand als Verlierer fühlt.
Wie arbeiten wir gut zusammen?
Für die Führung eines Teams zuständig zu sein und dafür die Verantwortung zu übernehmen, ist noch keine Garantie dafür, dass das Vorhaben auch gelingt. Was, wenn Sie jemanden anleiten wollen und die andere Person uneinsichtig ist? Was, wenn die Teammitglieder Vorstellungen und Wünsche haben, die nicht vereinbar scheinen? Mit anderen Menschen Lösungen bei Konflikten zu finden, ist aus meiner Sicht eine Frage der Haltung und der Art, miteinander zu reden sowie sich gegenseitig zuzuhören. Selten hat jemand wirklich die Macht sich gegen den Willen von anderen mit den eigenen Vorstellungen durchzusetzen.
Mit welchen Worten die eigenen Wünsche unmissverständlich formuliert werden können, ohne andere zu verletzen und ihre Widerstände zu wecken, wird Teil des Vortrages sein. Ebenso, wie Sie konstruktiv Ihr Missfallen am Verhalten anderer ausdrücken können, in der Hoffnung, dass sich danach etwas in Ihrem Sinne ändert. Was ich Ihnen über erfolgreiche Kommuniktionsformen für Teams erläutern werde, lässt sich auch auf alle anderen menschlichen Beziehung anwenden und basiert auf dem Konzept von Dr. Thomas Gordon.