All lectures in German will be simultaneously translated into English and all lectures in English will be translated into German as well.
Thursday, 10.01.2019 | |||
Opening, | |||
14:00 | - | 14:10 |
Opening Ceremony |
14:10 | - | 14:40 | |
14:40 | - | 15:10 | |
15:10 | - | 15:30 |
Initiation |
15:30 | - | 16:00 |
Periodontitis! How age and regenerative therapy may make a difference, | |||
16:00 | - | 16:45 |
If you want to prevent periodontitis do you have to die young? Age and periodontitis |
16:45 | - | 17:30 |
Our treatment goals for periodontitis usually requires life-long management of periodontally involved teeth and often includes various treatment modality. Periodontal intrabony defects are the most challenging treatment modality when compared to horizontal bony defects. Many studies have shown that it is possible to regenerate periodontal attachment in localized intrabony defects, including the formation of new root cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone.
Presently, the ideal treatment of periodontal intrabony defects can be treated by regenerative therapy, such as GTR(guided tissue regeneration) and EMD (enamel metric derivative), rather than resective therapy. I would like to present the long term results of these procedures by comparing GTR with EMD procedures. This presentation also shows how to save teeth for years that many would prognose as questionable to hopeless. |
17:30 | - | 17:45 | |
Friday, 11.01.2019 | |||
Periodontology, | |||
09:00 | - | 09:45 |
The management of infectious diseases affecting osseointegrated implants in function has become a demanding issue in implant dentistry. While nonsurgical therapy was effective in the treatment of mucositis lesions, for peri-implantitis, mechanical debridement alone has shown limited efficacy. Adjunctive measures may be effective in arresting disease progression at initial sites, however, moderate to advanced peri-implantitis lesions commonly require a more demanding surgical intervention. The presentation will address the commonly proposed surgical procedures and elucidate their potential indications based on proposed prognostic factors.
09:45 | - | 10:30 | |
10:30 | - | 10:45 | |
10:45 | - | 11:15 |
Clinical decision making in oral soft tissue reconstruction, | |||
11:15 | - | 12:00 |
Surgery with papilla elevation - rationale, performance, and critical appraisal New knowledge in soft tissue surgical management permits to achieve esthetic coverage in gingival recession with minimally invasive connective tissue grafts. A novel application of connective tissue graft can improve both esthetics and regenerative parameters in Miller class IV gingival recessions and vertical bony defects in the esthetic area. The recession of the buccal soft tissue margin is a frequent complication of well integrated dental implants. The appearance of metallic structure or even their transparency through the thin buccal soft tissues are common reasons for patient aesthetic complains. Soft tissue plastic surgical procedures and bilaminar techniques in particular, can be successfully used in combination with a pre and postsurgical prostethic approaches to increase the volume of the interdental soft tissue, to treat buccal gingival recessions and soft tissue dehiscence around dental implants and to provide the new implant supported crown with an esthetic transmucosal emergency profile.
12:00 | - | 12:45 |
Operative Eingriffe im ästhetischen Bereich zählen in der rekonstruktiven Parodontal- und Implantatchirurgie zu den anspruchsvollsten Behandlungsformen. In der Regel besteht dabei das zentrale Bestreben in der Erzielung einer narbenfreien, primären Wundheilung bei gleichzeitiger Schaffung einer ästhetischen und möglichst natürlich wirkenden Weichgewebskontur. Eine präzise Planung von der initialen Schnittführung über die Entnahmetechnik des geeigneten Weichgewebstransplantates bis hin zum finalen Wundverschluss ist essenziell für ein erfolgreiches Behandlungsergebnis. Die Bewertung des Behandlungsresultates hängt dabei jedoch auch stärker denn je von der Beurteilung durch die Patienten ab. Dieser Vortrag soll heilungsrelevante Grundlagen, operative Ansätze sowie Chancen und Risiken behandlungstechnischer Aspekte beleuchten. Darüber hinaus sollen für die Langzeitprognose relevante Faktoren kritisch diskutiert werden, um Hilfestellungen für den persönlichen klinischen Alltag zu geben.
12:45 | - | 13:00 | |
13:00 | - | 14:00 |
Creating bone from once there was none, | |||
14:00 | - | 14:45 |
Implant placement with simultanous contour augmentation using GBR: biologic rationale, surgical technique, and long-term results |
14:45 | - | 15:30 |
Augmentation of severe bony defects with intraoral bone grafts: biologic approach and long-term results |
15:30 | - | 15:45 | |
15:45 | - | 16:15 |
Surgical and prosthetic concepts for the anterior maxilla, | |||
16:15 | - | 17:00 |
Prosthetic and surgical soft tissue concepts in anterior implant cases |
17:00 | - | 17:45 | |
17:45 | - | 18:00 | |
Anniversary Party | |||
19:00 | - | 23:00 |
Anniversary Party
Saturday, 12.01.2019 | |||
Paradigm shifts in the era of digitalisation, | |||
09:00 | - | 09:45 |
Emerging technologies in contemporary prosthodontics The main goal of comprehensive dental rehabilitation is to achieve a pleasing harmony between the face, smile and teeth. Here, a number of tools are being implemented by the clinicians to evaluate the relationship between the different components of the face and to provide guidance for treatment planning as well as for the fabrication of the final restorations. Today, the progressive shift towards implementing digitally-driven 3D engineering tools in reconstructive dentistry is obvious. Compared to the conventional techniques, the ultimate goal of the digital technologies is to improve the quality and capabilities in examination, diagnosis and treatment of the dental patient. It is still questionable, however, whether such digital tools facilitate improved accuracy in data acquisition and assessment, superior efficacy in treatment planning, and more controlled and faster manufacturing process. This presentation will provide an insight about the emerging technologies in contemporary prosthodontics and discuss their possibilities and advantages compared to the conventional approach.
09:45 | - | 10:30 | |
10:30 | - | 10:45 | |
10:45 | - | 11:15 |
Anterior tooth replacement and esthetics, | |||
11:15 | - | 12:00 |
Patienten beurteilen den Erfolg von Implantatversorgungen nicht zuletzt aufgrund des ästhetischen Ergebnisses. Aber gerade im ästhetisch sensiblen Frontzahnbereich gibt es eine Vielzahl von Faktoren die das Ergebnis negativ beeinflussen können. Volumenveränderungen nach der Extraktion z.B. sind ein typisches Problem und werfen die Frage nach dem geeigneten Zeitpunkt für die Implantation und nach Strategien zur Kompensation auf.
Neue Materialien für die Weichgewebsverdickung stehen zur Verfügung, aber was kann man von ihnen erwarten? Und wie plane ich Implantatversorgungen im Frontzahnbereich überhaupt richtig? Der Vortrag diskutiert diese und andere Fragen und zeigt verschiedene Herangehensweisen zur Erlangung eines ästhetischen Ergebnisses. |
12:00 | - | 12:45 |
Anterior tooth replacement: Preparation, adhesive bonding or implant placement? Die moderne Adhäsiv- und Implantatprothetik ermöglicht uns zahnsubstanzschonenden Einzelzahnersatz in der ästhetischen Zone herzustellen. Dabei besitzen beide Versorgungskonzepte spezifische Vorteile. So sind Adhäsivbrücken sowohl bei engstehenden Nachbarzähnen, in die Lücke gekippten Wurzeln der Nachbarzähne als auch bei noch im Wachstum befindlichen Patienten vorteilhaft. Außerdem weisen sie neben der geringeren Invasivität auch eine kürzere Behandlungsdauer auf. Voraussetzungen sind allerdings karies- und füllungsfreie Nachbarzähne, die über eine ausreichende Klebefläche im Schmelz verfügen. Der Vorteil der Implantate liegt in der sehr guten Langzeitbewährung, der besseren biomechanischen Abstützung des Ersatzzahnes und des größeren Indikationsbereiches.
12:45 | - | 13:00 | |
13:00 | - | 14:00 |
Interdisciplinary decision-making in restorative dentistry, | |||
14:00 | - | 14:45 |
Management of white and pink esthetics: an interdisciplinary approach |
14:45 | - | 15:30 |
Key to success for the long-term maintenance of restorations in digital dentistry |
15:30 | - | 15:45 | |
15:45 | - | 16:15 |
New frontiers in treatment planning, | |||
16:15 | - | 17:00 | |
17:00 | - | 17:45 |
Designing full-mouth complex rehabilitations on natural dentition and implants with optimum esthetics requires correct treatment planning, evaluation of the most suitable ceramic material and advanced skills. Today technology validly supports the clinician in the definition of an ideal treatment plan thanks to GETApp (Guided Esthetic Treatment Application), an app that automatically analyzes all the values and esthetic and functional information on the patient to determine the best treatment to be chosen in accordance with the patient's and the clinician's needs.
The tool guides the dentist step-by-step through the complete decision-making process, aiding him or her in achieving optimal esthetic and functional results. The two main phases of data collection and processing offer detailed clinical explanations, which contribute to making GETApp a modern educational system for both simple and complex prosthetic rehabilitations. By the clinician following all of the suggested steps and entering all of the requested values and parameters, the app automatically generates a PDF file containing all of the information provided by the clinician. This allows the dentist to easily share with the dental lab every detail for the fabrication of the ideal prosthetic work. This app is also designed to interact with other available technological tools (such as new-generation 3-D face scanners), thus facilitating an entirely digital workflow for prosthetic rehabilitations. Innovative operative protocols such as the MIPP (Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedures), combined with the use of modern digital systems such as the GETApp, represent a revolution in the approach to prosthetic treatment. |
17:45 | - | 18:00 | |
Adhesion and Minimum intervention, | |||
14:00 | - | 14:45 |
This lecture aims to provide an update on modern adhesive technology to directly restore teeth. The current state of the art regarding dental adhesive technology and their adhesion performance to enamel/dentin will be presented. Composites can be bonded according to an 'etch-and-rinse' or 'self-etch' bonding protocol. Enamel requires phosphoric acid for durable adhesion, while phosphoric acid onto dentin is today less preferred. Self-etch adhesives make use of chemical interaction and nano-technology. This lecture provides a full update on dental adhesives from molecular-level interaction at the adhesive-tooth interface to laboratory and clinical performance, with a clear practice-oriented message how to bond most durably to enamel and dentin.
14:45 | - | 15:30 | |
15:30 | - | 15:45 | |
15:45 | - | 16:15 |
Anterior Esthetics, | |||
16:15 | - | 17:00 | |
17:00 | - | 17:45 | |
17:45 | - | 18:00 |