
2nd Japanese Symposium

Friday, 11.01.2019
To achieve long-term predictable results with implant therapeutics, stable hard and soft tissue around implant are prerequisite. We had to overcome various compromised situations such as deficiency of hard and/or soft tissue in horizontal and vertical aspects. Various approaches had been proposed to solve compromised situations simultaneously or prior to implant placement, however most of proposed new approaches had been diminished due to lack of scientific evidences, technical sensitivity, low patient quality of life during treatment and medico social aspects.
In this lecture, emphases will be made the efficacy of various approaches by reviewing long-term clinical results, especially solution to posterior maxilla, anterior maxilla and extended edentulous situations. In addition, the transition of the treatment concepts in 20 years and current trends of site development with minimal invasive approaches will be discussed.
Number of patients have occlusal problems with or without clinical symptoms. We need to correct mal-occlusion and obtain the harmonized stomatognathic system including temporomandibular joint, perioral muscle, tooth and periodontium to secure favorable oral environment with long-term stability. Recently clinicians tend to consider the occlusal reconstruction is complicated and difficult, because actual patients have multiple etiology such as malalignment, periodontal disease, tooth defect, and with increasing high esthetic demands.
Key points to lead to the successful occlusal reconstruction are to examine and to clearly diagnose the true problems with the stomatognathic system, and to perform effective combination of therapies with the best order. Needless to say, explanation for the patients, selection of therapy and determination of therapy priority are crucial.
I have categorized those etiology into three groups, such as malalignment, periodontal disease, and multiple teeth defect. Then I will explain the characteristics and treatment key points of each category.
In order to achieve esthetic results with anterior implants, it is necessary to three dimensionally augment bone along the dental arch to not only place the implant inside the bone, but to also support the soft tissue in harmony with the projected crown form. In many situations, not only hard tissue, but soft tissues are also significantly diminished, making soft tissue augmentation necessary. In addition, grafting of connective tissue and adjustments to the superstructure are needed to create a stable and attractive soft tissue frame. Using several cases, this presentation will demonstrate hard and soft tissue management techniques to achieve natural and esthetic implant treatment results.
Modern implantology is becoming established as a routine treatment in daily practice. Also full ceramic restorations are a matter of course in modern dentistry. There is an allegedly high degree of predictability and patients enter our practices with high expectations. However, despite the progress that has been made in many areas, what is often overlooked is the fact that implantology and high level restorations has not got any easier: the problems now lie elsewhere.
The lecture will show the successful application of structured treatment planning, how to integrate the latest advances in implantology on the one hand and full ceramic restorations on the other hand into daily practice and how to solve even complex challenges by consistent involvement of functional aspects.
Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Current periodontal therapy and implant treatment have made it possible to restore esthetic and function and to achieve long lasting treatment result. Accordingly, periodontal plastic surgery (PPS) is getting essential. However, PPS not always achieve complete success and consistency of the result is not stable by surgeons.
Therefore, growth factors such as EMD and FGF-2 have attracted recent attention for improvement.
They make up one of the three elements for regeneration of periodontal tissue and can be utilized in PPS to help provide dependable outcomes.
This presentation will substantiate the effectiveness of EMD and FGF-2 by reviewing cases including success and recovery from esthetic failure cases.
Detailed diagnosis of cases, the surgical techniques and choices of regenerative materials will be explained to achieve predictable final treatment outcomes.
The pursuit of aesthetics in implant treatment catches the hearts of many implant logistics and doesn't hand away. The reason is that when many factors correlate with each other, even if one part of them is missing, the result is greatly affected. And there is a difficulty to reach the ideal goal. Particularly in aesthetically important parts, as shown by the concept of "Esthetic Triangle" by Zetu, Wang et al. (2005), we will preserve hard and soft tissues as much as possible and also develop hard tissues and soft tissues at necessary sites . In addition, by applying advanced prosthetic technology, the aesthetics in implant treatment are achieved for the first time. Exactly including functions of soft tissues • Recovery and
acquisition of esthetics are becoming more required. In recent trends, we will examine biomaterials and new surgical procedures used for soft tissue formation for improving the aesthetics of implants.
Soft tissue augmentation around implants prosthesis placed in the esthetic zone is the mandatory requirement. And this represents that both implant positioning and its restoration in the esthetic zone will become very challenging field for dental clinicians.
In reality, one of the major complaints to those cases was related to the change in the appearance of restorations caused by peri-implant gingival recessions. Through the author's clinical experiences of having favorable prognosis in 10 year follow-up to both root coverage and ridge augmentation procedures using connective tissue graft to those natural teeth cases when working under a microscope, adapting the technique likely to exposed implant abutment surfaces may become a valid alternative to recover it in the aesthetic zone.
This lecture will present clinical cases of micro-surgical peri-implant soft tissue reconstruction for both single and multiple implant cases and discuss the technical solutions to each cases.
Prof. Dr. Anton Sculean
Recession coverage in challenging clinical situations
Saturday, 12.01.2019
Prosthodontics | Esthetics | Complete Denture
Lately, favorable results are seen in many esthetic & functional rehabilitation cases with minimally invasive techniques.
The future prospective of minimally invasive full-mouth rehabilitation adapting digital approach would require the following clinical discussions:
1) What would be key points in the clinical work-flow to maintain high predictability when the digital technology replaces the traditional restoration work?
2) What will be the appropriate material selection guidance to all relevant materials between the traditional and Digital restorative works?
3) What would be key for the provisional restoration of In-direct Bonded Restorations which does not suppose retention and resistance factors?

The speaker wishes to explain all of the above through his clinical cases.
Resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses (RBFDPs, so-called Maryland bridges) with two metal retainer wings have been introduced over 30 years ago for a minimal invasive replacement of missing teeth. However RBFDPs are still not considered a comparable treatment modality to implants by most of the dentists.
Cantilevered anterior RBFDPs with a single ceramic retainer wing were introduced 20 years ago. They provide better esthetics and are less invasive than two-retainer RBFDPs. In the meantime execellent long-term data of this minimal invasive treatment option are available. Similar concepts are now also implemented for the replacement of posterior teeth that show promising medium-term outcomes comparable to single tooth implants.
This lecture summarizes when zirconia ceramic RBFDPs present a favorable, minimally invasive and less costly treatment alternative to single tooth implants.
The prosthetic management of the edentulous patient has long been a major challenge for dentistry. The main problem is the mandibular complete denture that lifts up easily with the mouth opening. Most clinicians know that patients report significantly more problems adapting to their mandibular denture. When using our current techniques, most lower dentures exhibit a lack of retention, this can contribute to patient dissatisfaction and acceptance of their new dentures. Normally, in clinical experience, conventional dentures don't create mandibular suction effectiveness.
In 1999, in order to overcome this problem, I established a successful concept and mechanism to fabricate the mandibular suction denture and have been expanding this technique around the world. My presentation will take clinician on a new journey to discover and implement my suction effective mandibular denture techniques.
Aesthetic dentistry has evolved in many areas in recent years.
In the lecture, developments in materials, digital planning and their clinical implementation will be explained.
Immediate Loading
After losing teeth and using ill-fitting denture for a long period of time, it is not only hard to masticate but also the movement of the masticatory muscles, facial expression muscles and tongue usually degenerate. Occlusal force cannot be fully demonstrated due to the loss of teeth and shortening the occlusal vertical dimension. Occlusal force exerts by contracting muscles under the presence of teeth. It is necessary to smoothly move the tongue and early recover the chewing and swallowing motions through the superstructure of the immediate loaded implants with an established certain occlusal vertical dimension with myo-functional therapy.
Japan is involved with Super aging society now. Immediate loading procedure is very critical for us because of life expectancy. life expectancy of a 90-year-old man is 4 years. If you treat it over two years, half of patient life will be used. Normally BIC is 55%, but after Photofunctionalization BIC increase to 98%. using this is very effective. Ultimate goal is to improve body composition. Prof. Iijima conducted tracking survey for 2044 in Kashiwa for 3 years it indicated when the posterior teeth run out, the body becomes weak. Protein is deficient, became sarcopenia, and became a locomotive syndrome and it turned out to be necessary nursing care. I would like to introduce various things that we can extend the healthy life expectancy and improve quality of life by implant treatment.
This presentation will provide an update on minimally invasive esthetic implant surgery. The use of growth factors such a biotechnology-engineered Platelet-Derived Growth Factor has improved the ability to regenerate bone with less invasive procedures. Novel implant designs are improving our ability to load implants at the time of surgery. A novel system will be presented including a one-year immediate loading study. The indications and contraindications for immediate loading will be presented.
1. Understand minimally invasive grafting with growth factors
2. Learn various options for techniques and timing of soft tissue grafting in the esthetic zone.
3. Understand how novel implant designs can improve the predictability of immediate loading protocols.
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